Hunter safety

Started by MarineMom, August 01, 2007, 09:47:12 AM

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Hunters safety is only as good as the person taking it.
Anyone can pass the tests... but it is afterwards when you have the responsibility of handling the firearms around other people.. ( who might not be safe)  .. THAT is where the real passing of the tests comes in.

Kevin.. thanks for posting the 'rules' ..
If you are going to own and operate a gun or guns.. these things should be second nature to you.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Well, think about the Cheney situation this way...Was it really Dick's fault or was it the fault of the man that Dick shot? 


Either way.. he will never live it down...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

This is true.  And do we really know the true story?


You think there might have been a jealous husband involved?

Janet Harrington

Nah.  I think it was just some old men hunting and not paying attention to what they were doing.


Let me see. Cheney shot the fellow. He says he shot the fellow. The fellow was shot. He says Cheney shot him. I don't think it was self-defense. I read all of the reports, including statements by both parties and eyewitnesses.

I think maybe the fellow who discharged the firearm may have made an error. Even if that fellow is a Republican.


  I don't follow news much after the headlines ~ so don't know much about that particular incident (and don't care) but as you all probably know, hunter's safety isn't exclusively about how to shoot or not shoot a gun.
  I've been hunting before with careless or self-centered people who don't watch where they are going or behave as they should; and heard similar accounts from other folks.
  Hunting with that kind of person is a little like driving with the neighboring driver talking on a cell phone and eating a messy hamburger at the same time.  You have to watch what they are doing, or might do, or fail to do; as well as control your own vehicle ~ and still end up where you plan to.
   The other guy's actions don't excuse a shooting, I'm not saying that.  But the responsibility goes both ways, and it's why most hunters are very picky about whom they hunt with. 

Diane Amberg

  Yes, that's very true. We have a LOT of deer here, so deer season is very big. Every year there are crazy accidents, from falling out of deer stands to dropping their weapon out of the deer stand and having it go off, to tripping and firing etc. They are all completely avoidable! We have a big goose season too, but have no accidents because they sit in their blinds and shoot up from there.


Maybe we can get the deer to fly.


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