Hunter safety

Started by MarineMom, August 01, 2007, 09:47:12 AM

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Does anyone happen to know when and where the next hunter safety course will be held?


Yeah I do.. well , I did...
Derek was talking about it a few nights ago as he wants Rochelle to take it. I will call right now and ask.
Be back in a sec.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


If you click on the Flint Oak Schedule.. you can go to the dates of August 11-12 and it will give you the event of Hunters Safety. Click on this and you will getr a gif file that will give you all the information.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



No matter what good stuff you learn at hunter's safety, don't forget hunting safety rule number one: Never go hunting with Dick Cheney.



That's because Dick Cheney forgot the first rules of Hunter Safety.
Four Rules of Gun Safety

1. Most important of all safety rules: Keep The Gun Pointed in a safe direction
Look around and see who or what might be in the line of fire
Always carry your gun pointed in a safe direction
Unload and secure your gun when crossing an obstacle or difficult terrain.

2. Every Gun Is Loaded until you check it out yourself!
Open the action when you pick up a gun
Open the action before passing the gun to another hunter

3. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until you're ready to shoot!
Keep all of your fingers behind the trigger guard
Get into position and ready before you put yourfinger on the trigger

4. Be Sure of Your Target and what lies beyond it!
Avoid hill top shots, or shots with an obscure background.
Best backgrounds are hillsides or dirt banks free of big rocks.
Identify your animal from tip (nose) to tail before you shoot. Never shoot at a sound or movement.
Check out my family history Website

Diane Amberg

   If Dick Cheney is there, keep him down range, and shoot back!


I'l bring the extra ammo.


Janet Harrington

Shame on you guys for teasing about the Vice President and his lack of hunter safety care.  Remember, he is probably too old to have been made to take hunter's safety class and he probably grandfathered in.


Janet, I think you're being a little too generous there.  If he were too old to be forced to take the Hunter's Safety course, that wouldn't excuse him from careless use of a gun ~ any more than saying that I didn't have tennis lessons so I should be excused for beating someone over the head with my racket :o.  Oh, I know, you know that.  Guess I'm just a little cranky today, thinking of all the excuses people come up with for bad behavior, instead of taking responsibility as they should.  Maybe I just need a nap? ???  Don't worry, I don't really own a tennis racket. :angel:

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