The perfect way to slow your pace

Started by Rudy Taylor, July 31, 2007, 06:07:03 PM

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Rudy Taylor

I don't know about you, but I sometimes have trouble slowing my pace. It's downright unhealthy to stay energized all the time, so I've found a few little habits that help me sloooooooooow down.

My very favorite: Sitting in the backyard with Kathy and quietly talking. We live in such a noisy world. It's so nice to take some time with someone you love and just listen to them. Watch their lips move. Admire their ideas. Celebrate with them. Hurt with them. And, just be silent with them.

Then, all is calm.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

Rudy Taylor

OK, folks. I didn't start this little thread to brag on me.

It's so YOU can tell what you do to slow YOUR pace.

Poor Diane ... looks like I "done" put her to sleep.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


When I was working, I would get up half an hour earlier than needed and just sit in the quiet and dark.  I guess you could call it meditating as I thought of the things I needed to do that day or the problems we might be having.  Then the radio would turn on and it was time to get my husband up and get ready for the day.  Now I have all the time in the world to sit and meditate.  Do I?  You betcha boots I don't.  I take my cuppa and turn on the TVs and catch up on the news and weather.  Then in about an hour I get dressed for the day.  My time.

Diane Amberg

 yawn,.... what, what... were you saying something? I got so calm and peaceful, I nodded right off.    We do love to sit out on our deck and listen to the night sounds. If we can discourage those evil mosquitos.


If we ever manage to get off this one lonely planet and found a second world, I'm going to vote against taking the mosquitoes along.


Ever wonder why Noah let the mosquitoes on the ark?

Diane Amberg

 I'll make that motion, Rudy can second it . Any discussion? Call the question! (gavel) All forum members present and voting Aye raise hands. Neigh? (one horse)  The Ayes have it unanimously. (gavel) Mr. secretary, please draft a letter notifying all female blood sucking mosquitoes, that their presence will be denied on the next planet.  There will be no appeal.

Diane Amberg

   Maybe Noah was to, busy to notice.


There are a few other things I can think of to leave home, but mosquitoes are a definite. Thanks for making it sound official, Diane.

Oh, and that horse can go.


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