Polls that make no difference to anyone .

Started by Teresa, July 30, 2007, 12:05:05 AM

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What was the last book you read..

3 (10%)
3 (10%)
7 (23.3%)
11 (36.7%)
A manual
2 (6.7%)
3 (10%)
Online book
0 (0%)
Don't read
1 (3.3%)

Total Members Voted: 28

Voting closed: August 03, 2007, 12:05:05 AM


We have a library system that is trying to get the City of Lawrence to spend millions of dollars on a new building. When you look through it, you discover that they really don't have many books. What they have is computers for the homeless in large quantity. If they would buy some books, I would consider helping them build a new building.

(This is not a knee-jerk conservative stance. Rather, this is an extension of my belief that libraries are about books. They are not about social justice, except in that books will assist in making social justice more widespread, if they are available and they are read.)

W. Gray

What gets me is that librarians, which I remember as kind little old ladies with or without tennis shoes, are up in arms about efforts by the Denver City Council to block porn sites from public library computers even if school children use them.

These librarians apparently think not being able to view porn in a public library is against a person's right to read or look at anything one pleases and to do otherwise is unconstitutional.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I was allowed to go to a small town library alone while still a pre-teen.  My parents never paid attention to what books I might be bringing home and reading.  They knew the librarian and knew she wouldn't let me check out anything that I was too young to be reading.  She did hesitate about Valley of Decision, then decided there was nothing too graphic for my age.  I was reading Zane Grey, too, at that time and was shocked at some of the language he used even though it wasn't spelled out.

Judy Harder

I too, am  a book reader. I have to chose each day just how much time I am going to play on the computer and how much book reading I will do.(Course, that is between housework, mail fetching, cafe and gossip time and then back to one or the other)

I open the day with the computer and close the day with a book. The best kinds of books I can find to read are; Fiction/non-fiction, mystery/spy and anything with a case to be solved. At the moment I am into Harry Potter........and yes I am anxious to read the last  book. I am in line at the library.........LOL...my daughter got me addicted to them.
Love the books that I can't figure the plot out till it is just about to the end.

I will read a cereal box if it is on a table and we are through reading the paper..course, that is the way my folks taught me. All of us were readers and the paper was a must.

Not a bad addiction? say what? always wanted to use that phrase...."Say What"...
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I read everything in sight, too.  And I am good at reading upsidedown.  In fact, I can't help but read it if I can see it.  I will confess now that I used to read the papers on my boss's desk when I was working for the lawyer in Moline.  If he is monitoring this forum, I honestly tried not to read things that I wasn't supposed to, but when you are compelled, you gotta do it.


My oldest daughter got me started reading Tony Hillerman and I think she owns about every one of them.   We are an ecletic family.  First daughter reads historical and ancient history, second daughter reads romance, Janet reads mystery, fourth daughter doesn't have time to read and I read all of them.  The girls bring the books that they have read to me and when I have read them, I decide if they should go to the yard sale or be kept or destroyed.  And I mean that I have thrown books into the fire that I considered unfit to be read by anyone.  And none of them are offered for sale at our yard sales if I can help it.

Diane Amberg

 As far as I'm concerned, true porn has no place in any public building of any kind. Freedom of speech comes with a whole set of responsibilities too. False calls to the police are not free speech. False fire alarms are not freedom of speech. They better not be around me, and then say, "Waza matter cancha take a joke?" Porn in your own home is your business up to a point. As my civics teacher said long ago, it's rights AND responsibilities, not just rights. What kind of role models are we becoming if librarians are defending porn? Using the word "unconstitutional" to defend every sleazy thing that comes down the pike cheapens the word. You don't have to be a lawyer to know the basic difference between right and wrong.


I just finished "Lisey's Story" by Stephen King. I have been an 'SK' nut ever since I was 11 years old. I think I've read almost all of them. This one was part love story, part fantasy, and of course part horror. A very good read.

Jo McDonald

Dandymomma...I LOVE your profile picture.  Very Nice !

I love to read mysteries.  But haven't read any for quite some time now, need to change that, I think.


Sk it is! I cannot imagine how he knows so much about women? Dolores Claybourne was a great character study, however my personal favorite is The Stand. I have reread it many times. I finished Liseys Story not too long ago, it was great!

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