Longton Anyone?

Started by Carol (aka Nana 02), July 27, 2007, 07:09:44 PM

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Carol (aka Nana 02)

I also remember when it was Crawfords station. And yes the house had a beautiful staircase in it. I shouldnt tell this but here goes... LOL I remember when I was probably 5th or 6th grade and that house was empty for a time me & Darlia snuck in it because we always wondered what it looked like inside!! I remember the old Hotel on main street too, such a shame if its been torn down. I also remember the lumber yard when it was owned by I believe Roy Crawfords brother who lived just a few houses behind it. Like I said I have many fond memories of Longton and you guys just keep me remembering more THANKS!! So Judy where at in Longton do you live now?

Judy Harder


I live at the Longton Housing. Which is apartments for low-income and or disabled people.

When the kids graduated they moved out of the area...........Boy did they move out of the area.
Bob and Robyn enlisted in the army and when they got out....Bob stayed in the Fort Bragg area of North Carolina and Robyn went to Wisconsin with the husband she met in the service.....she has 2 boys 22 and 15.

David, well lets just say he married, his and his wife (who was Lisa Judd) had a little girl...Tosha Rene (23)  and they moved to Austin.......They divorced and he wound up in Jacksonville, Florida with a son who should be around 17 now.......but haven't any idea where he or his mother are....I think near there.....but that is another story...

I stayed here and keep up with the town news and attend church and almost all the fair stuff.......and as Arthritic as I am most of the time, I stay quiet.......LOL.....yep I can hear people....just how quiet I am......depends on whether I know you or not........must keep them entertained.........

I haven't much to say about Terry.......He lives up around Kansas City somewhere. His dad and I didn't make it and Terry followed a job.. He has 2 kids, boy and a girl.......and has a second wife.

As for the hotel.........it is falling down........and not fit for humans......no way no how can it be repaired...I think (maybe) this month they will get it condemned and hopefully we can finally get it torn down.
It is now a cat/rat/squirrel and whatever kind of varmits HOTEL.........Yes, it is sad to lose a land mark.....but people must take care or that happens all over.

I keep thinking there are other Longton people reading this forum and maybe after the fair, which is this weekend, they may have time to get on here.

Keep posting.......nice to read about what you all did........(my kids still won't tell me a lot of stuff that they did I didn't know about) probably a good thing, I would most likely have a heart attack.

I did learn something about David a few years ago.
If you were here long enough you most likely got involved with the parties that went on at the Elk Falls, water falls.
One of his friends let it out that at one of those parties he walked across (I mean the very tip top,) of the bridge....Not the railing the iron bars that hold the bridge together.................That is high and believe me when I go over there.........all I can say is "HE DID WHAT??????"
He has always been a monkey and still loves to be on a roof.......
Not me, I want one foot on the ground.........

Oh the joys of mother-hood..I wonder how MY mother survived ME......LOL.
Hugs and God bless........

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Carol (aka Nana 02)

I believe that David was a few years younger than me and was in the same class as my sister Mary. I didnt go to any parties at the Falls in Elk Falls. Done all that kinda stuff around Longton running up & down the back roads ! LOL My Aunt was living in the Longton Housing. I think she moved back to Iowa sometime within maybe the past 6 months. You know we all have that "Family" that we have not or choose not to see but once every 20 years or so! So with  that said I will tell you her name ... Darlene Gilbert. Also I am related to The Shields, same way as with my Aunt Darlene, they are my Dads sisters. Thom Shields also graduated the class of 82. This is so much fun "catching up" keep it coming everyone I look forward to it!!

Judy Harder

Carol, I do know your family........well parts of it.
The neighbors just across the alley is Mrs. Gilberts son and  his family....Steve and Della
and when I moved here in 92 the apartment was the one that Mrs Gilbert and her husband had just moved out of.

I really liked Thom Shield.......I am not sure if he was Davids or just between him and Robyn......but I called him one of my boys. Last I heard of him, was probably 15 years ago.
He was a single father.......seems I use  to know his wifes name, too, but at the moment my brain is on leave........LOL....really late in the day and it is time to shut my brain down for awhile.

I am heading to a book as soon as I get through reading on the forum..........I just got the last Harry Potter from the library yesterday and will jump into it and hopefully it won't keep me up all night............I may have to read it in one setting.............NOT!!!! I know better not only would my siatica pay me back but the rest of the body wouldn't like it either..LOL.

this is fun...........I just need to figure out when to stop talking........get run away fingers.....if in person it would be run away mouth...LOL....count your blessings..
Hugs and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Carol (aka Nana 02)

Me, Thom & Robyn  were all in the same class. Yes Thom got a divorce and raised his 3 girls alone up until they were almost teenagers, he then remarried.I think his wifes name was Ruth. His oldest daughter is in the service and has made him a grandparent. The other 2 live some where close to where he is. He has been in Douglas, GA for several years now. He lost his Mom (my Aunt Mary) about 3 years ago. Yes I knew Steve still lived in Longton but......   Yes this is so much fun! Anymore Longton people on here??   ::)


Tongiht I attended the Longton Fair Barbeque and Bean Feed.  It was very delicious and all the workers and organizers need to be complimented greatly!  It was a lot of fun to listen to the food auction that followed that raises money for the fair association.

But one of the neatest things is that as I was walking through the crowd to my chair--I heard someone say "emptynest".  Then it was repeated a little louder and I turned to look.  I recognized a lady in our congregation from Longton, and she reached out her hand to say hello.
About that time, I was asked by a lady sitting beside her, if I was " emptynest" on the Elk County Forum and I said yes.  It was Judy Harder from Longton!!  It was so neat to meet someone I otherwise might not have know.  We visited briefly and once again, I thought how
wonderful to have a new circle of friends and acquaintances.

Thank you for speaking up, Judy. and introducing yourself.  It's a small world. 


That is just an excellent experience! Thanks for sharing it, emptynest, and thanks to Judy for making it possible. What great unexpected fun!


Judy Harder

Susan, you are welcome............I too liked meeting someone who shared a
piece of the world with me. It was a good time last night. I ate until I thought I would
burst..(Didn't!) but I didn't eat my ice cream of the night, either...it was all very good.
Again nice to meet you too, Susan......hope we can chat again.

Hugs and God bless.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Buddy Boy, you mentioned that you remember the pie from the Longton Cafe.  Was that the one on the east side of the street and then later moved to the west side?  My aunt Hope Green Franks Hayden had a cafe there for several years and she made some really great pies!

Bonnie M.

My aunt Hope Green Franks Hayden had a cafe

I'm sure that Jo and I remember Hope's pies, from restaurants on both side of the streets.  Bess (help me out Jo?) and Laura Nichols, and many others also made the most wonderful pies.  We were trying to write down how many owners of the "Longton Cafe" we can remember, there have been a lot of them.  Longton is very fortunate to have a good Cafe, and a Kindergarten through the 12th grade school system.  Brad Kill also has serves food in his bar, and there's a Pizza place, so, we can almost always find something to eat at Longton.  Of course, Kay Claytor's  Pickle & Pimento lunch meat is my favorite, (from the Longton Grocery Store) so you can tell, we do love to eat!  And, if all of those places are closed, Kirk's Mini-Mart is open 7 days a week!  (We know those things!)

I keep in touch with Lenora, Hope's daughter.  We saw her in Longton over Memorial week-end. 

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