How Does Your Garden Grow?

Started by Diane Amberg, July 27, 2007, 12:20:42 PM

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Diane, how does your garden grow?
          or is it still under snow?

Diane Amberg

No snow and nothing but rain expected, but it's still too chilly for anything but peas and such. It's almost ready to till ,but a little too wet yet...almost!


I went to Wichita yesterday for the purpose of picking up some garden supplies, namely a Queen Elizabeth climbing rose, a bleeding heart and a clematis.  We visited a nursery.  No roses yet.  And everything was so much higher than Lowe's that we decided to just go back there and see what they had.  No climbing roses.  No bleeding heart.  The clematis was pale pink or lavender and I want deep purple.  Am I pushing the season?  I did look at some bed edging that I might go back and get and I did buy myself a lightweight lopper that I hope I can hold good enough to lop off some small limbs.  Next trip will be to another nursery that I have visited before and have found what I wanted.  And maybe they will be ready for spring.


I dug up part of the tomato bed yesterday. Of course, I have been busy hauling seedlings in and out of doors for some sun. It's nice to have some sun for them. Today is gonna be a chore since it is windy again, but I do have one shelterd spot in the back yard that still gets the sun. Mother Nature just keeps foolin' with us doesn't she? Part of the flower beds are much too wet to dig in, and that is the one where the sweet peas are supposed to go. I have them soaking, hope they don't rot before they get planted. Good luck finding your plants, I have a feeling that supplies will be down, trying to outguess the economy. I miss the little greenhouse at Elk Falls. She always had such nice things and reasonably priced. I don't know what happened, but I miss her.

You might try Well Adjusted Plants in Sedan, right across from the highschool. She usually has lots of nice things, some that are hard to find. She is the local chiropractor, and does the greenhouse on the side. Good luck!


Y'know there aren't as many plants and stuff out down here as there usually is, the mill doesn't even HAVE garden seed this year and the general store only has a little, gotta find a new place for bulk seed now. I'm tryin raspberries this year, never planted any before, any tricks I oughta know?
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


the biggest trick is how you gonna get em up here without smashing em?  ;D

Jo McDonald

Learn the "Raspberry Prayer"
  They are tricky little devils to grow.  We had them in Howard, -- some times we had berries -- sometimes we didn't.  Good Luck


almost scared to ask what the raspberry prayer is lol been doin research on the internet and looks like this may be a challenge in my dirt! good thing I got horses :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats


Woo Hoo!  We were a little late getting our garden started, :o but yesterday the radishes & beats were up (barely).  Today the peas & beans are making a showing.  I got the tomatoes and peppers in and mulched too! 

I still have several seed packets to put in, Marty is going to till some more and get his corn in soon so I'll put some of the viney things (melons & gourds) in with that.  Wilma, I haven't found any okra yet ::)...  Maybe if I grow some, you can cook it and share with Marty.  It's probably one of the only vegetables I don't eat so he hasn't had any for well over 25 years.  Ha!  But I do like to grow lots of different stuff.  I'm going to look for some egg plant; I don't eat it either, but it's so pretty!  I still need some banana peppers too, so I'll keep looking.

We've only got about a third of our garden worked up now, I had them make it extra big so I can transplant a lot of the flowers & plants that I want to save for landscaping.  I know when we get around to getting the old house torn down and the fence rows cleaned out, anything in the area is bound to get trompled or bulldozed.  Anyhow, I've got plenty of space to put more stuff in if I don't run out of the season.  Ha!


Joanna,  we are just getting things in too.  Don't feel bad.  I am planting a garden in town and at our house, both.  We haven't gotten anything in the one in town.  Haven't even gotten it finished tilling.  I threatened my husband that if it didn't get done, that I would go and by a tiller for myself.  I got some land plowed in town, but not tilled yet.  I will give him a few more days, but tilling the spot that he has plowed, I think that it is awful big for a little tiller.  I don't know a thing about gardening.  But I thought that with the daycare that having fresh veggies for the kiddos would be great!!  I do have starts of Peas and Pumpkins.  So, I will at least have those!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

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