Cute and Clever Pets

Started by Wilma, July 22, 2007, 08:11:54 AM

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Diane Amberg

  I just saw that cat too. I know our black long hair" Blue Moon," knows if one of us is sick. He becomes very attentive to us and wants to be in contact with us. Maybe sick humans give off an odor that they can smell. There is just so much that we don't know.      When I was in high school one of our neighbors down the road had a dog named Duke. If they went away for a vacation, nobody needed to go feed him, he just showed up at our house. Shortly after they left, here would come Duke, trotting up the road to our house. He would stay however many days they were away. About two hours before they were due home, Duke would trot back down the road and be there to meet them. HOW did he know???


Wilma, they were talking about that cat tonite at swimmersize - animals have this sixth sense - I know for a fact but won't go into that


I put your pic up on your post Ms Bear. Oreo looks like she is going to be a good mother.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I think it is very possible that animals have a sense about them.  It is amazing;I do wonder how the families feel though when this cat stops at their loved ones door and enters the room.  And how about the sick person?  I wonder, from their aspect, if they are at peace or if there is fear?

I know my big black lab constantly was licking my husband, Joe, when he was alive.  And when Joe got sick one time and went into seizures while sitting in his chair---Lucky jumped up and laid across his chest to keep him calm and in the chair while I ran for the phone.  There are other situations, too, that make me a believer.

God Bless Our Animals and other Beasts


They did specify that these were mostly Alzheimer and similar types patients and they weren't aware of the cat.


Quote from: Ms Bear on July 25, 2007, 09:03:20 PM
Teresa, I will be e-mailing you a couple of pictures by the end of the week of the new puppies.  They are full blood chihuahua that were born last Friday.  The momma weighs about 8 or 9 lbs, large for a chihuahua.  She had five puppies weighing from 4 oz to 5 1/2 oz and they are adorable.  All are doing very good.

Here they are Ms Bear..
Pictures of Oreo and her babies..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 That is one cute passle of pups, and so many colors.


Kjell and I (for awhile) had Doby. He was half Jack Russell and half Rat Terrier. called a Jack-Rat. He needed a home and even though we were not ready to have a dog, we took him. :-\
We had him for about 6 months. We had to start traveling some and he was just too hyper to take with us on long trips , so we decided that he needed a place out in the country where he could run off all that energy.

A friend of ours, who lives way out in the country, wanted him. Even though we knew that he would be happy, we still cried when we took him out. I have since seen him lots of times since then and he is happy as a lark.. doesn''t even remember me. lol
He sleeps  with her daughter every night and he runs with the horses every day and in fact.. Shasta.. Kay's mare, waits for him every morning to come out so they can have their daily run.

But I wanted to share these pics of him. He was the runt and was little in the beginning, but I am famous for NOT starving my he got to his full growth of a Jack Rat in no time.
The first 3 are when he was little and the last one was after he got big.

He was so spoiled. He slept with us, and went everywhere with us...and even liked to be with Kjell when he was on the computer. ( as you can see)  LOL

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 Doby should be filed under "c" for cute.


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