Cute and Clever Pets

Started by Wilma, July 22, 2007, 08:11:54 AM

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 In a cat's eyes all things belongs to cats!



Quote from: Wilma on August 27, 2007, 05:06:55 PM...Which reminds me, Joanna, have you told us about Princess yet?

Puppy cat was a stray kitten that our dogs had treed one night inside our fenced yard in September of 1992.  They just wanted to play, but she sat in the crotch of that tree and barked back at them.  We brought her in and spent a week trying to find her home, but no-one would admit to missing a kitten.  A neighbor in the alley behind us had a momma cat with kittens that all looked exactly like her, but they adamantly denied she belonged to them.

Anyway, she was raised with Sam & Max, two malamute/shepherd mix brothers, and I guess Puppy thought she was one of them.  She would bark at us instead of meow when she wanted something, and was the noisiest cat you've ever seen.  When she ran through the house it sounded like a herd of cattle.  She still does!

Now she's older and just yells at us when she's out of food or wants her litter changed, or if she wants in or out, or when our grandpuppy comes to visit.  She's spoiled rotten and she believes she deserves better than what she gets. 
Quote from: Jody on August 29, 2007, 05:42:21 PMIn a cat's eyes all things belongs to cats!
Jody, that is so true! Ha!  If she wants attention she will sit on my book if I'm reading; or on my arms, the keyboard or just in front of the monitor if I'm using the computer.  She brings me "presents" on occasion, but never into the house, just leaves them outside the door.  Squirt (our dog) & Puppy share the same food & water dish, and since we aren't worried about weight, we feed them both the same cat food.   

Puppy's favorite pass-time the last few months has been to chase Ben out of the yard.  It is the funniest thing you've ever seen.  This little undersized black & white cat will chase that big golden lab off the porch, out of the yard and across the street.  Then she's so proud of herself she just struts around the yard for a while with her fur all bushed out and her tail straight up.  Big Ben loves it!  He thinks it is a great game and has a blast pretending to be scared.  You can almost see him trying to hold in the laughter as he jumps away and skitters around.  He'll stay away for a couple of hours or a day, then comes back to do it again.  We try to keep Squirt indoors when it happens.  She loves to play with Ben, but when Puppy is chasing Ben, Squirt tries to help and gets in the way. Squirt got scratched one time, then she and Puppy growled at each other at the feed bowl for a whole day.

Her name is Puppy, we call her 'Princess' Puppy on especially trying days, or just 'P.Cat' sometimes.  She's pretty old for a cat (about 15) and is having some trouble with her teeth (we had to have 5 removed last year).  She wants to sit where it's warm, and is spending the summer on the porch most days and nights.  I'm afraid this winter will be  hard on her and we'll probably set up a plant grow-light or something to keep her comfortable ~ she spent last winter on top the porch refrigerator where it was high and warm, with her special pillow, of course...


That is beautiful.  A true family.


You know that on another thread Roma said her dog liked to chew up Kleenex.

I had a cat that LOVED the mentholated Kleenex. In fact if you rubbed Vicks on a Kleenex or on a paper towel and toss it on the floor, he would just go crazy.. roll on it and tear it up and even eat some of it.
He could sniff those things out too. I could hide one and he would be walking by and stop.. and sniff and stalk it until he found it.. hahaha ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


My white cat , Georgie Girl, thinks
she is aPrincess,too.  Shnkeeps challenging my oldest cat to be TOP-CAT.

Roma Jean Turner

 :) Bingo will sneak one of those Hall's Cough Lozenges every chance he gets. If you put the bag anywhere he can reach you will find chewed up lozenges all over the house. He's so tiny I would think it would just blow his head off!!!!  Maybe they get some kind of a high from these mentholated products :P  Sort of like the catnip experience.

Diane Amberg

 I had a NOT so funny experience at my sister's house several years ago. Their airdale Tucker, got into my purse, that was sitting open on the floor next to their love seat. He stuck his head in and snuffled around the gum and Hall's Menthol cough drops that were in there. Then he lifted his leg.... Yup, he let fly all down inside my purse. What a mess. :'( :'( :'( 

W. Gray

Diane, I think that would have been time for a new purse.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Roma Jean Turner

Boy, you just never know what they'll do next do you.   ???


Two of my daughters occassionally spend a night with me.  Both of them come from homes with pets, both cats and dogs.  Bud torments each of them and we have found that it is best to keep their personal belongings shut away from him.  He is the typical tom cat marking his territory.

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