Flying Saucers in Elk County

Started by W. Gray, July 19, 2007, 08:32:04 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

Thamk you so much for sharing this information.  I certainly have no doubt about what you saw.


you betcha, Wilma, and here is another.  On a summer evening it was great to just sit outside in the evening breeze and look at the stars and etc.  Me and the girls were out at the in-laws, Lewis was at work) and all at once Floyd (f-i-l) said look - to the south was a huge bright star and from it were hundreds of tiny stars going from the big star in every direction.  We guessed as to what had happened to that star, but in just a matter of minutes all those "little stars" came back and connected with the big star. Now you tell me, what were we seeing????

Diane Amberg

 None of you have lost any marbles. You really are seeing these things. As to what they are...some have easy explainations, similar to northern light activites and reflections on clouds. Others just don't seem to have any earthly explaination. They are common in areas with lots open space. And most people won't share the stories for fear of being branded loonies. Daddy saw "something" too, long ago when he still lived near Howard. He was driving home at dusk and the weather was dry, but rather unsettled. He said a big ball of "light"( about 4 ft. wide and 5ft. off the ground) suddenly appeared on the other side of the barbed wire fence that lined the road. He said it moved along with him for about 25 yards, seeming to "bounce" as it went along. Suddenly it "popped," and vanished. He was a very analytical scientist and assumed it was some kind of St. Elmo's Fire or electrical in nature because of the dry air, but he never knew for sure. It's all facinating though, isn't it?

Jo McDonald

Eddie B. Henry and wife MarDee lived in Howard at the time, and they came to our house the next day after "the occurance"..They had gone to bed and were asleep, when a high pitched beeping sound awakened them..their bedroom was flooded with a bright light and the wind came up and the movement of the tree limbs frightened them.  They said they lay there for quite a while -- the beeping sound finally went away and the bright light went out -- we four were sure it was indeed a UFO.


Mama... didn't a UFO hover and follow you and Aunt Barbara in the car one evening?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington


The thing that Mrs. Henderson saw and the rest of us couldn't see was really strange because she called not just one time, but two time, about this thing.

Wasn't this the time that Jimmie Ann was making ice box cookies and she had colored them yellow, green, and light blue?  I thought that Jimmie Ann and Jean also saw these lights and when Jimmie Ann came in, she opened up the freezer on the refridgerator and said, "The lights are the same color as this cookie dough."  I thought Jimmie Ann and Jean had been to MYF or something.

Am I remembering right?  I may not be, but I do remember Mrs. Henderson calling because she was so excited and scared.  I don't know where her husband, Raymond, was.


This happened in 1973 and Jean was married and Jimmie Ann says she was in Winfield that night.  Raymond was home but I got the impression that he thought she was just seeing things.  We talked about it in school the next day.


3 summers ago, Mark and I were riding in the jeep (without the top)
coming back in from the farm..( our lake) at about 10:00 at night.

We were just tooling along putting down the road, not going fast at all.. and suddenly we saw this HUGE round flying saucer hovering almost by Anna Beth and Richard Fish's house.

We saw it at the same time and it was round with red and blue and green lights all around it and they were flashing kinda fast in a consecutive order of an odd manner. There was what looked like a round dome like thing on the top with lights .

This saucer was huge.. probably would have set down nicely in a square football field. We stopped the jeep and got out and stood in the middle of the road and there was absolutely NO sound. None! No wind.. no sound.. just this huge saucer hovering...
Within seconds, it  just disappeared!. Vanished..

Mark yelled" Where did it go.. what happened to it."
. and I yelled back.. "Don't look for it at the same spot.. Look over here."
and I pointed somewhere on the west side of the sky.

All of a sudden there it was... hovering in the sky on the west side of the road and then 2 large compartments on the sides opened and about 20 -30 small ships with red and yellow lights all around each one flew out ..and they were everywhere.. like lightening bugs at super speed.

These little ships were small.. about the size of a car.. and fast... and silent... NO NOISE!.

And in a few seconds they were all back to the mother ship .. flew inside and the ship rose a bit in the air and went straight up.. then angled off to the south and before our very eyes.. disappeared.
Just like that!

It was deathly quiet..and we just stood in the road not saying a word.. just staring at the sky..

Finally came to our senses and jumped back into the jeep and headed to town, scanning every inch of the sky trying to see something else.. We went to Derek's and told him and he left in his jeep and we drove all over trying to see something.. but didn't.

The next night Mark went back to the lake by himself and was working and he was ready to come in about the same time ..10:00.
And in the north, he saw it again.. the big ship and it was quite a ways off, but he could clearly see it.. saw a whole bunch of little fast twinkling lights flying all around the place and then gone.
He said  it all took place in about 30 seconds.

We haven't seen anything since.

I am amazed at people who think that in all of this universe.. a time and space that is so vast that the human mind can not even fathom how big is is... could possibly be so arrogant as to think that as humans... being the level of species that we are... are the only life forms?

My gosh.... if it wasn't so pathetic sounding.. it would be funny.

If there isn't a higher form of living intelligence out there somewhere.. something is really wrong.. ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


we've been to the moon and back, and all over outer space, so why can't something or someone else be doing the same to our planet?


Well, first, from looking at the news on CNN several times a day, I would have to say if we humans are the highest form of intelligence in the universe, it doesn't say much for the universe.

Second, the universe is a very random place, not to mention REALLY big, and I don't think that us folks down here on this one little planet should be ruling anything out.

And third, I am mightily annoyed that I have never seen anything myself that would qualify as a UFO in all my sixty years of life. Drat!

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