Kansas Wind??????

Started by Wilma, July 14, 2007, 02:48:01 PM

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Where , oh, where has the Kansas wind gone?
Where, oh, where can it be?

What would you do for enough wind to blow away the humidity and mosquitoes?


It has been very calm up here, too, Wilma. That made it a touch uncomfortable outside all day.  Of course, wishing for wind in Kansas is one of those case where you have to be careful or you'll get what you asked for. In case Mother Nature is listening, I'm pretty sure Wilma meant "breeze."



We had one of "your" days here. 80% humidity and 94 degrees. I stepped outside this morning and thought, "This is Kansas weather".

Sure do wish we had some lightning bugs here.


I'll thank mother nature for the calm day today.  I got to spray round-up on the grass coming up in the driveway, between the cracks in the sidewalk and etc without having it blow onto places I don't want it.  NOW, THAT DONE,  HOW BOUT A LITTLE BREEZE

Janet Harrington

We need that south Kansas wind that we are known for to blow this humidity straight north.  I hate it.


How about that, Frawgie?  janet wants you to have our humidity.


We tend to have a fair amount of humidity here on our own this time of year. It is my considered opinion that if we had 83% humidity and Janet sent us her 83% humidity, then we would have 83% humidity. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have 166% humidity. So, what the heck, send it on up!

But I do notice, Janet, that you said "wind."


Janet Harrington

I really want the humidity to go straight into Canada and on up to the North Pole.  Might cause some "global warming".  How about that?


Or perhaps make it worse.

I have a friend at the university that goes to Greenland each year, and sometimes Antarctica, to do side-scan sonar imaging of the glaciation there. This year, when he got to Greenland, the small plane (an Otter) that they use to haul people out to where they were going to work had to return without landing. Where they were expecting solid glacier, they found a very large lake of melt-water, something unheard-of in that part of Greenland even in mid-summer. Since the airplane was equipped with skis and not floats, they gave up for two weeks. They went back up last week (Claude and a group of Danes) and were able to get in and go to work.

So if you send too much hot Howard humidity right now, Claude may never get back to his wife and daughter and the Danes may be stranded on a rapidly melting glacier.


Actually it is a north dry wind that usually gets rid of the humidity and makes it cooler.  And I am ready for cooler and no mosquitoes.

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