Welcome Lance Markley #260

Started by Janet Harrington, July 08, 2007, 07:45:46 AM

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my daughters were a few years younger, but could I tell you some stories that I have learned in later years.  The oldest graduated West Elk in, I think, 1977. They'll laugh and tell you now that they are too old to be grounded or worse. AND LAUGH ABOUT IT.  :-\  I worked at the school when most of your kids were in school, and some were rather onery, but most pretty well behaved.  One or two may have been a problem  ::) ::) but not the problems of today, I don't think.


I worked there, too, Flo.  And I would say that was when things started getting out of hand.  My youngest was a couple of years older and she never behaved the way those jr. high kids did.  I think that being the oldest in the school went to their heads.  They didn't have the juniors and seniors to batten them down once in awhile.  I remember who the trouble makers were, but I won't tell if you won't.

Janet Harrington

The Osborn boy I was thinking of was not Fred.  This boy was always a trouble maker.  I just can't remember his name.  Mother, you know who I am talking about, I'm sure.  You had trouble with him in the lunch room and I think that Denton and Fickle were always egging him on.


Yes, I know who you are talking about but I can't remember his name either.  I am sure it wasn't Fred.  Some of these younguns that were in the same class should know.  And I know Fickle instigated a lot of things but I don't remember Denton doing it.  Fred Osborn was Neal and Phyliss's son.


Sorry about pinning it on Fred.  It was Billy Bob Osborn.  Oh boy!!! I bet Sherri and I could tell a whole bunch of stories that would send you all into hysterics.   Like the time when he zipped the custom-made leather athletic bag over his head and the zipper got stuck.  And boy did he have  temper!!! Now if he or any of his relatives are on this forum---please don't shoot me.  It's just the memories.........anyway, not only did he zip that bag over his head but he locked himself in the upstairs little empty principal's office that was rarely used for anything.  He through the biggest temper tantrum that I have ever seen, especially for a junior high kid.  There were days when it wasn't safe to be at North Elk Junior High in Severy, but it sure was fun!  (What'd ya say, Sherri?)

Janet Harrington

Billy Bob Osborn.  Yep.  That would be him.  I remember the story about the gym bag being zipped on his head.  OMG.  Wonder what he is up to now?  Wonder if he ever grew up?  Wonder if he is in prison?  No, just kidding.

Jo McDonald

  Jeepers_____-  Janet --- I don't think so!!!


Hmmmmm. The only Bob Osborn I know is a 737 driver from Omaha.

That's a lot different than jail, but some days it is similar to having a gym bag zipped over your head.



Oh my gosh, I have tears running down my face from laughing.  I hadn't thought about that gym bag incident for ages.

Does anyone remember the English teacher (I think it was Mrs. Dugan) calling for Mr. Shepard, the science teacher to come help by pushing on the pipe in the back of the room?


OH, shoot, yes.....I remember Mrs. Dugan........and when she would have discipline problems she would rattle the upstairs radiator or whatever those pipes were called.  That meant that Mr. Shpeherd should get upstairs quickly.  One particular day, though, someone (name not released to protect their rights) put a piece of cheese on the radiator( boy, did those things get hot in the winter).  Anyway, it melted and started to smoke and the entire class had to evacuate the room.  Where most of the students evacuated to is a whole different story.  When the radiators upstairs were turned on, it got so hot upstairs that the windows had to be opened in the dead of winter.  And since the library was also upstairs and centrally located, those big windows would let in lots of cooler air.  But one particular time, it had snowed and the onery kids (???) went outside and threw snowballs up throught the upstairs windows into the library----and practically took out the substitute librarian Mrs. McGee.  There was snow everywhere in that library!!!!   It's a wonder we survived being at that school.........I personally think I am a better teacher for having "PARTICIPATED" as a student at North Elk Junior High.....

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