Looking forward to fair

Started by Rudy Taylor, July 06, 2007, 09:55:38 AM

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Rudy Taylor

I'm looking forward to the Elk County Fair at Howard next week.  Maybe I'll bump into some forum-ites while there.  We attend lots of fairs since we have newspapers in so many small towns. When it comes time for the Longton Free Fair, I always cover it myself. Can't believe how many people (including me) line up for those free beans and barbecue. But for next week, it's the Howard that will bring us to town --- hope to see you all there.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


If you're looking for free food - make sure you check out the watermelon feed on Saturday and the free barbecue on Monday.  :D

Rudy Taylor

Yes, I didn't mean to slight Howard with my comments about Longton.  Indeed, nobody can shell out the grub like the folks in Howard do.  Evidence of that comes at your famous tailgate parties. Our son Andy loves to take pictures at West Elk games just so he can enjoy the good cooking. So, we'll see everyone at the watermelon feed ... and probably at Monday's barbecue, too!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Remember when Red Johnson used to cook at the bean feed?
He would wipe his nose on his apron and just keep on cooking!~
But everyone always said he had the best beans.. so maybe it didn't matter..  ;D ;D
I am sure no one does that now.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I have to do a big BBQ tomorrow with baked beans and all the fixings for my husbands 50th B-Day. But if my nose doesn't stop running I will have some dippings in my beans as well :'( :'(.....  I think I'm starting to loss it.   I need to get to bed.
I sure wish I could  be in Howard for that Fair. Sounds like alot of fun.... It's to hot here to do anyting like that. Only 124 degree's here today.  You all have a good time. Yah hear!!!!!!
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.


just think what it would be like at 124 degrees with our humidity

Ole Granny

Help--I can't breatheeeeeeeeee :D :P :P :P :P
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Janet Harrington

Quote from: desertlilydarla on July 07, 2007, 12:41:14 AM
I have to do a big BBQ tomorrow with baked beans and all the fixings for my husbands 50th B-Day.

Well, happy birthday, Mr. desertlilydarla.  Just turning fifty and now the fun begins.


Wow, you mean that it has been ten full years since I started having all that fun?

Wow, time sure flies...



Not only do I remember Red Johnson and the beans (bless his soul), but I remember ole' barefoot Osborne (bless his soul, too).  He would be barefooted cooking (and serving) at the Howard Fair Bar-b-que. 

How many of you remember when there was a parade at noon each day of the fair right down through the main fairway?  And the Miss Elk County Pageant?

And you had to pay admission just to get into the fair grounds?

I am looking forward to helping with the flower entries.  I love to see all the flowers and the people.    :D

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