
Started by flo, June 29, 2007, 03:05:13 PM

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I have never pronounced Arkansas City, Arkansas but Arkansas City Kansas is Ar-Kansas City, Kansas and the Arkansas River in Kansas is pronounced Ar-Kansas River.
I used to ask why it was different depending on which state you were from and I don't remember all of the answers I got. If people from Arkansas are correct then maybe the question should be why Kansas isn't pronounced Kansaw.
By the way I remember your Father, Grandparents and your Uncle Ted well. I am thinking your Father's name was Lyle. Ted always had time to talk to young people.
Frank Winn

Diane Amberg

     Again I thank you. I have the biggest smile right now. Yes, my father was Lyle. Uncle Ted was a real character.  Bill Denton was family too. If not by blood line, then by heart line, and altogether it makes a lifeline, which is all that matters. 

W. Gray

Kansans are the only people in the nation who pronounce both Arkansas river names as "RKansas."

Kansans also pronounce the southern border town of Arkansas City as "RKansas City."

Some state residents say their reason for using that pronunciation is that they do not live in "Kansaw."

Prior to 1881, citizens of the state southeast from Kansas commonly used two pronunciations for their area: "RKansas" and "Arkansaw."

Apparently wanting to differentiate their great state from the other great state, the Arkansas legislature passed a resolution in 1881 clarifying the matter.

The legislature recognized the state spelling as "Arkansas" but having the preferred pronunciation of "Arkansaw."

Give credit to Matt Dilllon and Gunsmoke. Even though his Dodge City was in Hollywood, he used the Kansas pronunciation each time.

The word Kansas is a Siouan word meaning "People of the South Wind." The similar Siouan word, Arkansas, has meaning "Downstream People."

I sure hope I do not have anything misspelled.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

Now, we could have some fun with this.   If "Kansas" means "People of the South Wind," then perhaps Arkansas really means 'People of the South Wind, Downstream." Thank you for the information. I am learning a lot today.


Yikes! Me, too!

Thank you, W. Gray!



Waldo, you have earned an A+.  I didn't find any mispelled words.  Of course I had never seen the word Siouan before.  Might have to look that one up and change your grade.


My son says he has a new joke for us....

Why did the grape run away from home?

Because the apple was still eating his sandwich.

(I'm worried about that boy!!!)

Diane Amberg

 Very cute. He's getting the idea.

       Then there was the man who fell into the machine at the upholstery shop.
        He's completely recovered now.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 18, 2007, 11:00:12 AM
I just called and described what I wanted, but the girl said they didn't have them and didn't know what they were. She wondered if I could get a brand name. 

I have been trying to remember and finally I wennt and pickd the brains of the other 2 English ladies in Elk county the brand is Crosse and Blackwell and you might tell the clerk that you are looking for pickled onions instead of pub onions hope that helps

Diane Amberg

Thank you so much. The girl said all they had were the little cocktail onions.

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