Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Diane Amberg

Wow! Joanna, I LOVE what you did. Thanks for showing the photos. I 'm getting ready to get new counters also, but haven't quite decided what or how to tie the backsplash in.

Roma Jean Turner

  they told me at the Swinging Bridge Cafe that they were moving it this weekend.  I wonder with the snow if they got it done.


I know they worked on it! I watched them for awhile, as we live right behind there. Was sooo glad I was in here and not doing that, as that wind was just HOWLING!!!


Just awesome! I love it! The cabinets look really good and the tile is just beautiful!
Thanks for sharing.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

Joanna, that is really nice.  You have just worked wonders on your home, and it has all turned out so beautiful.  When you work that hard, you truly do appreciate it, when it's all completed.

Good job! :) :) :)


Thanks everyone.  We are really happy how things turned out with our kitchen too.  And Bonnie, I haven't forgotten, when I get the trim up (if?) I'll send you pictures...  Hoping it will be late this week.

Marty & I went to Wichita this morning.  The highways were really pretty messy, much worse than we expected them to be.  But on the way home this evening they were in pretty good shape.  Had a fun time looking around while we were there, but it's always a relief to be headed back home ~ a visit once in a while reminds us how much we really love living HERE.

We had a small turkey thawed out today, so had it ready in the frige and gave Clay instructions to put it in the oven after 1.  It was done and waiting for us on the stove when we got home, the house smells great!  Of course, he had to "sample" it to be sure it was acceptable.  HA!  Lester & Fifi are having a little turkey scrap this evening too, but Squirt has to wait till tomorrow when I can have her outdoors; she's a messy eater and tries to save the bones in the couch cushions for later.  Not acceptable...

We just got a call that our neice & nephew-in-law are stopping by in a little while, with their baby, Owen.  Looking forward to that too. 
It's a great life!


My sister and I had a great no stress day today. We both sat here in the office and played some games on the computers ..then we cooked taco's for supper..ate and then Mark came over and he and Kjell and Sister and I played 10 pt pitch until  just awhile ago,
( about 1 in the morning.)
We drank 3 pots of Hazelnut Cappuccino coffee and ate cinnamon rolls and just had a great time.
Tomorrow Kjell is leaving for Wichita for the day.. ( He is being very secretive):-X Wonder if it has anything tro do with my Christmas present?..  ;)
Tania will be here again, after spending yesterday with her Dad, Mike Mills. I am going to give her another massage..give my sister one and then Tania is going to wax my eyebrows.( ouch)  and then they will be on their way back to Mullinville.

I am going to make chicken and noodles to take to Rob & Christina's for the Cookson Christmas tomorrow night on Christmas Eve.

We are then going to go to Derek's on Christmas day ..after I fry a huge platter of chicken gizzards and livers, fry and boil shrimp, and make ( at my girls request) my cheesy, bacon sour cream mashed potatoes.... Ashley wanted homemade tortillas stuffed with hamburger and cheese, so I am making them too.
Derek will have his smoker going with specialty cheeses and a spiral ham. He makes the best smoked cheese that there is.
Danny and Teri are bringing pies and other stuff too and Teri is making her salsa I am sure. Sandy Dunbar will be joining us this Christmas and if Mama and Daddy were here from Texas with us, it would be perfect. But I know it is a long long trip for them to make for just 2 days. .. so we will all call them on the phone and have to be satisfied with that.
Guess that is all for now...
I better get my head down..and try to get a bit of sleep.

Sweet dreams~~
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

It's 1:30 AM and we just got back from our family progressive dinner.  We had so much fun.  Lots of food and fun.  I got to play Play Station 2 Hero Guitar.  I love it  It looks like I have another new toy to put on my want list.  I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas.  Tuesday we will have the opening of gifts and another dinner here at my step-sisters.  I am so blessed to be a part of this.

This picture is Great Aunt Roma kickin' butt on Guitar Hero.  By the end of the evening I was playing at the medium level.  It was a great bonding experience with my Great nieces and Great nephew's.

Rudy Taylor

Roma Jean, I'm just so impressed that you played Guitar Hero!  I've been an amateur musician all my life but I simply
don't have the dexterity to play that game. I think it might help to be 20 years old, and I can tell from your photo
that you're in that general age group (hey, a girl who drives all the way to Sedan to buy my book deserves a nice

AOYP, heh?  I like that.

Jo, bless your heart.  You just partied too hard at our forum Christmas party last week. You didn't actually drink that
"Suicide" drink that TaTa made, did you? Yikes! It's no wonder you feel like a Mack Truck hit you.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington


Shhh Shhh Shhh.  Mama Jo wasn't supposed to know about the "Suicide" drink.  Now you spilled the beans.


I love the pictures of the kitchen.  Especially the one of you with your feet in the sink.  I wouldn't have been able to get myself up on the counters let alone bend over to work on the tile.  You do good work, girl.

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