Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Roma Jean Turner

Yes Bonnie, I like what I have seen of cars on TV.  Haven't seen it since I got this HDTV but know it will look awesome.  As I get older, I am enjoying the kid's stuff much more again.  I'm tired or drama and trying figure things out.  Just give me some good old action films and pixar.  Still love the Hitchcock movies or anything resembling them.

Bonnie M.

We use "Netflix," and order movies all of the time.  I choose a lot of the "old" movies, as they are just so good, and there's no bad language, for the most part.  Boy, how "things" have changed!


Roma Jean Turner

  One of my patient's gave me a three months subscription to Netflix for Christmas.  (They figured I would love it, but wouldn't do it for myself).  I just got my second one today, "Night at the Museum".  I have a feeling that I will get hooked on it.  It is so easy to do and it is such fun to come home and have a movie in the mailbox.

Bonnie M.

It's really inexpensive, considering how many moves you get to watch for the monthly rate you pay.  We get two at a time, for $13.00 a month, I think it is.  Since we seldom ever go out at night, we get the movies in the mail box, watch them, send them back, postage prepaid, and in a couple of days, we have two more movies.  So, we probably watch a minimum of 6 a week.   And, I select the movies we want to order.  I think that every movie that was ever made, is available!  We just finished watching "The Lies Men Tell," I think it was, with Kirk Douglas.  I ordered about every Christmas movie that I could find, we've really enjoyed watching them.  When I see the name of a movie I think we'd like, I come in on the computer, order the movie, and it goes to the bottom of our list, unless I click for it to be sent next, then we'll get it in a day or two.  So, it's a nice modern convenience.


I watched Night at the Museum last year in Florida with Chuck's nieces and nephews; very cute movie!  We watched Narnia the year before (I think that's when it came out?).  It was a very good movie.  It's one of those that you can see the parallel with the Bible stories... or you can just watch it for a fun movie.  Pretty intense for very small kids, though.


   I think it's time for me to turn in.. Got to take time to visit here tonight.  What fun.  The 60 popcorn balls are now done.  Time to get back to making Peanut Btittle.  Everyone have a safe and wonderful tomorrow.  Good Nite All.


We have done fine.  Our utility lines are buried, but we were concerned about the supply lines.  The power has flickered off and on a few  times, but never stayed off.  Guess they might have been changing grids.  There have been areas in town that have been without power, and the rural areas are a mess.  Some friends live SE of Bartlesville and came in for a luncheon yesterday.  They said they had to dodge power poles, trees, etc.  They had gas to heat water and cook, but no heat.  We are very thankful that we had power nearly the whole time.  We didn't have the computers on much as the power flickered and it is so hard on them.


JUST got home from Wichita about 30 minutes ago.. Took a long hot shower, got everything put away and all the Christmas toys set out in sections to be wrapped tomorrow.. errrr I mean in a few hours..  :-\ took a hot shower , made my list of 'to do;s' and I am ready to be in my bed, but had to check a few things on the forum and make sure all was running properly. It is 3:15 and 7:00 is going to come awfully early, so I will bid all of you who are already in dream land a good night. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

It isn't late, only 9:30, but it is cold here in south Texas.  Not as cold as it is in Elk County, but when we are supposed to have 30 degrees in the morning, that is cold here just 1 mile from the ocean.  I have to work tomorrow and I have packages to mail out, hopefully the window at the Post Office will be open, so I can get that done before I have to be at the office. 
  I hope y'all have have had a great day and the rest of the week will be good for you.  Stay well, and be careful out in your cold, icy weather.  Fred put my miniature rose bush in the storage shed so the little yellow roses will be warm and safe.  These cold temps are NOT what we came south to enjoy   lol
  Night all.  Pleasant dreams, and restful sleep.


G'night Mama...

G'night John Boy.. ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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