Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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G'night Mama...
I love you!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Dee Gee

Glad to hear that you had a safe and interesting trip down to your winter home.  See you next spring.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Bonnie M.

Jo, I'm always happy to hear that you have arrived at your destination, safe and sound!  It sounds like you had a really nice trip "south."  And, you're right, the world is full of nice people, wherever you go. 

Take care, and, enjoy the winter!

Diane Amberg

Jo, glad to hear you had "happy trails" to your your winter place.  How cold does it get there at it's coldest? We had friends who went to Florida every winter too.  Everyone arrived just before Thanksgiving and the Park owner would do a big Thanksgiving dinner for everyone so they could all get together and share all the previous year's stories.  We know others who go to Arizona every winter too.  You ''snowbirds'' must know all the good places! :D :D :D

Jo McDonald

Diane, normally it doesn't get real cold --however three years ago on Christmas eve we had SNOW  !!  I was absolutely so happy, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.  I LOVE winter -- but Fred does not !!  so when it started to snow about 8:30 - I was outside happy as a lark in the spring time.  Then on  Christmas morning we woke up to 6" of the beautiful white fluff.  We have a park dinner on Thanksgiving and on Christmas -- I was the happiest person at the gathering  lol lol lol   there were grumbles "I came here to get away from this stuff"   "Are you crazy???You like this??"  on and on -- but they could not dampen my heart's prayer for snow.
  It usually doesn't get much below 50's - but last year we had two hard freezes and we ran the furnace A LOT.  If everyone ever figures out that the "chill" may be coming from my talking to the winter people  I may get ejected from here.  It is in the 80's today and a nice breeze from the north east..very pleasant.  We are happy to have arrived safe and sound.  We are already hearing horror stories of some of the problems that have happened to others that arrived here this past week.  One of my friends fell land broke her hip - one of the men here had a motorcycle accident - a lady turned left in front of him..buggeedr him up pretty bad...and the park managers husband slipped and fell into the boat trailer jack and really done a number on his leg.  Another couple crippled in yesterday with a broken spring on their truck.  So, we were blessed once again.  And we give thanks every day for all the blessings we receive.
   Hope all is well with you all.


Jo, glad you made it safely!  I remember the snow that year!  We were at our son's in Houston.  Our grandson had seen snow before visiting his other grandparents in Lubbock, but our granddaughter had not seen it!  It was amazing because Christmas Day at noon it was all gone and we were out in shirt sleeves. 


Roma Jean Turner

  Happy to hear you arrived safely.  I made my trip through Kansas last weekend and thought of you guys as I passed the turn off to the lake.  Next year, in the spring, I'll stop by and see you guys and check out the lake.  Have a wonderful season in Texas.

Jo McDonald

Oh, Roma Jean, that would thrill me if you will do that.  If I had known you were that close I would have left some butterfly kisses along the trail for you.  I hope you had a wonderful trip.  We have brilliant sunshine this morning and NO FOG  yesterday you could not see very far.  I have to go to the laundry today, sometime, but I have a wonderful 4 line clothsline here right behing our RV  so laundry is fun for me without having to feed the quarter gulping dryers...the washers are bad enough.  This old tightwad likes putting quarters in SLOT MACHINES only.    :D :D :D :D :D
  Be good to yourselves and have a happy day.


What a long day it's been, but FUN!  I'm down at the Nature Conservancy, Tallgrass Prairie, just north of Pawhuska, OK.  I'm helping them work their bison herd, and scanning all the ID's into our software program.  It is an easy way for them to keep track of 1600+ animals.  We worked 532 head today!  We started at 7:15 am and ended around 4:30.  We even took an hour and a half lunch break (the ladies cook wonderful meals), so you can tell the rest of the day was fast and furious.  We averaged about 49 seconds per animal.  I'll try and get some pictures taken and posted, but the lady who normally does the computer work (and I just give her guidance) was sick today, so I had to do all the computer work myself.  I was glad to have internet access this evening, as it's hard to keep up with all the forum posts if I miss too many days!


It's been a beautiful fall day.

I enjoyed watching the leaves fall this morning.
It seemed when I woke this morning there weren't any leaves on the ground,
then they all decided it was time to drop, and they just floated down.
Now my yard is covered.

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