Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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But, Waldo, everything we sell is an irreplaceable treasure.  Janet and second daughter visited every yard sale in town but were very circumspect.  They didn't bring much home.  Second daughter did buy an ornamental coon at your mother's sale.

Now this is true.  My husband and second daughter would go to Dwight and Gleneva Winn's sale late on the last day and pick up most of what they hadn't sold.  They also brought home the last of some other sales.  Is it any wonder that I have so much "stuff".

Ole Granny

Vacation is over.  The slots were kind.  The haunted hotel did not appear to us.  Not even in pictures-we found no light spots or anything unusal.  Enjoyed the mountains and the changing of the Aspens. Part of Central City is empty.  Most of the buildings going up on the right side of the road are empty.  The Wells Fargo Shop is closing out.  One of the few shops left.  The owner passed away a few weeks ago and his wife cannot handle it by herself. Sad.  A new Antigue Shop opened under the Golden Rose Hotel  with a large inventory and reasonable prices.  We gambled in Central City but Blackhawk was full.  The new highway from Idaho Springs to Central City was a beautiful drive.  A new view to the area.  I still prefer Highway 6 and the drive through the canyon.  Old habits die hard.  Central City business owners are paying for the new road hoping it would help their business.  In Blackhawk the Old Lace House still stands in Blackhawk surrounded by huge casinos.  The mountain has been cut out around the Lace House to make room for parking etc.  It looks like a huge decorated egg.  But not pretty.  The courts are to decide what to do with the house.  They will probably move it up the road where the rest of the homes have been replaced.  On the way to Central City cemetery- new condos sit to the south of the road.  Also on the new road to Idaho Spring just outside of Central City there are new condos.  My gradparents old home still stands stately in Central looking over the destruction of a little mining town.  The new owners are taking spendid care of the home. 

I'll send a few photos soon.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Diane Amberg

It sounds like I wouldn't recognize the area any longer. Did you go to Georgetown?  I'm eager to see your photos.

Jo McDonald

I am  eager to see the photos as well.  It has been several years since we have been there -- all of the changes sound like it would be hard to recognize.  The biggest change for me the last time we were there was Breckinridge.   Well--- it is all probably just as changed as far as we would be concerned. 
  PROGRESS  ??????   Yeah -- probably.



Kjell and I stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG last night and finished it!
All but hanging the wood shelves and brackets for my curtains.. Had to be in El Dorado today by 2 and Mama and Daddy stopped and admired the handiwork... so have yet to be to bed and I am just one minute from death! lol
I HAVE to sleep.. so I am off to bed ( Kjell is already there snoring) and will send pics soon.It looks just like I envisioned that it would. Lots of hard work and creativity paid off. I We just love it!

G'night ...   
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

Congratulations, rest well in your new home.

Jo McDonald

It is truly beautiful---looks and feels just like Teresa and Kjell.  The only thing that resembles the house before they moved in is.......the kitchen sink is still in the same place as is the bathtub/shower and sink and stool, the closets and the outside doors.  LOL  Other than that -- it is a total transformation.  I just hope the pictures do it justice, but I don't think it will show you the complete blending of all the colors and artistic arrangements that Teresa and Kjell have accomplished. 

                                CONGRATULATION !!!!   BLESSED BE YOUR HOME. !!!!



Teresa, I am anxious to see your pictures.  I wish I could stay up all night and work like that.  We used to do that--both of us would come home from full-time jobs, fix a meal, put the kids to bed and work until 2 or 3 A.M. and back to the job the next day.  On top of that Frank was "moonlighting" on Saturday and sometimes Sundays as a butcher in a busy grocery store.  We would work on the house and when it was done, then the yard came next--sometimes they both had to be tended to at the same time depending on the season.  Those days are gone--We work hard now, but our bodies just won't let us put in those kinda of hours.  I may need to call on your expertise when we get moved in!!!!!  Enjoy your house now that you have put in all of that labor!!!



Congratulations on getting settled in  your new home.  I just read an article about how teens really need about 9 hours of sleep per night.  Apparently when you are grandparents, you only need 9 hours per week.  How do you guys keep running?  Ha!

I know how you feel though, so wish you all the joy a new home can bring.

Janet Harrington

You all will not believe the home that Teresa and Kjell have made together.  It certainly is a darling of a home.  Notice I said home and not house.  They have made it a home.  It is wonderful.  Congratulations to them both for a job well done.

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