Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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well, now my two cents worth on the glasses.  I was in trifocals for years. *(bifocals before that)  If you have to move your head to get rid of the line, then they are not adjusted to your face right.  You should only have to move your eyes to look through the top, middle or bottom.  When you look straight ahead, you should not see but the top part.  Course, now I have had cataracts removed and lens implants so don't wear glasses at all except to read and the opt. told me just go to Wal-mart and get some cheap glasses that work which is what I did. (can't say they were exactly cheap, tho)  Now have about 4 pair - one at the computer, one in my purse, one at work and one that I can't find.  ::) - anyhow, ask for an adjustment -

Ms Bear

Teresa and Wilma, I agree with Flo.  If you have to move your head to see your bifocals or trifocals are not right.  And if the frames you picked out were not adjusted to you before they measured for the placement of the lens they are not going to be right.  It should not make you tired or strain your eyes to read or see.  Hope you will go back and insist on getting them fixed.

I have had cataract surgery so I don't wear glasses anymore but because I spend a lot of time on the computer I have monovision lens implants.  The left eye is for reading and computer, the right eye is for distance.  Very hard to get used to but now I really like them.


Ms. Bear,

My contacts are monovision, and you're right, it did take awhile to get the old brain programmed to use one for close up and one for distance.  I love them now though.  My glasses are no line bifocals, and I don't have any trouble switching from one to the other. 


I had hopes of no glasses after my cataract surgery, but that surgery doesn't correct astigmatism.  Astigmatism was my first problem with vision.  Then came the bifocals, then the trifocals.  I see my eye doctor next month and I will get something done.


Nope, the only thing for astigmatism is laser eye surgery. As nice as it would be to wear non-perscription sunglasses, I just can't bring myself to have my eyes operated on, laser or not. I'm kinda squeemish that way.

Reminds me of when the doctor found a cyst in my breast. After my husband and I got back from my mammogram appointment he tells me he wants to feel the lump. I showed him where it was and he just kept pushing it around under my skin. BLECH!!! Stuff like that just creeps me out!!!


Had the eye surgery several years ago to correct my near-sightedness.  I wore glasses/contacts, but haven't had to since. Mine is a success story as I haven't needed to wear anything prescription.  First thing in the morning small print is a little blurry, but then after only 5 hours of sleep, what isn't? At this point in my life, those are the only 2 parts I want anyone to mess with anyway.


Well, it has been a VERY busy day and I am more than ready to get in the hot tub for a bit and then get my sore tired body to bed.
Mark, Kjell and I worked non stop today from 10:00 - 3:30 at the "farm" cleaning and pressure washing the inside of the big container that was flooded. Lost 700# of charcoal.. It was all busted and had 'melted' all over the floor and then we had chemicals that had spilled and all the stuff was rusted and ...ohhh was a nightmare mess. Had to scoop shovel all the crap that was on the floor and haul it off.
So we took everything out and sorted and kept and threw away. Then we loaded up all the trash and bagged it up.

Then while Mark  pressure washed the inside of the container..( which is an old railroad car)  Kjell and I went out and bailed water out of 2 of the tin boats that were still clear full of water, and leaves and slime and mosquitoes. YUCK! Then we drug them back up to camp. Picked up more big pieces of wood that had floated in the woods. We picked up and washed off about 15 huge pieces of ridged sheet metal and loaded it in a  flat bed trailer.
Then Kjell got on the end of the pressure washer and Mark and I brought every item that we saved from the container over and Kjell pressure washed it and then we carried it back into the container for storage.
I took the pressure washer and washed off the tractor and bush hog. I had grease and dirt and oil splatters all over me. IN my hair and in my eyes and everywhere. ( Kjell took a picture of me ;D)
Plus cleaned up all the campsite and stacked chairs and gathered up more trash that the wind had carried off.
Whew.. we were all worn slick.
Then I had to come home take a shower, and fix a couple dishes to take to Jerald and Barbie's for the get together they were having for supper.
Tomorrow is another day and we have to go work some more on the outside painting of our other house.. But I will worry about that tomorrow.. Right now I am just ready for my beddy bye bye.

PS~ I am attaching a few of the pics of us today.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I'm just stubborn, I guess. I've had prescription glasses since my early 20's and probably haven't worn them 20 times since; though I do get them updated every 5 years or so.  Ha!  I can get by without them and still pass my driving tests, so I just leave them in the glove box.  If they'd have had that laser surgery available when I was younger, I'm sure I'd have tried to get it done.  Now I'm so close to needing reading glasses it wouldn't save me much trouble... Of course I'm stubborn about that too...  I actually do need reading glasses for some things, but only use them when I can't avoid it.

I got a little done on the house this weekend, mostly primer, but a couple new spots of test color.  Some day we'll have to choose. but I've got gallons more primer to put on so I can keep testing new colors for a bit longer.  All my guys were gone most of the day, so the dog watched me paint, then we both rested a while.  Did a little housework and that's about it.  The cat and I aren't getting along well now ~ both of us want to be the boss and we're having a standoff.  >:( She can stare me down pretty easy, but I'm bigger & can put her outside.  Yep, kind of reminds you of that Fred Flinstone cartoon ~  and that's just about how much luck I'm having too.  HA!

Hope you all had a good weekend.  Lynne & Terrell stopped by & gave me a little of the bean salad they'd made for the picnic.  It's delicious.  I've sure enjoyed the weather lately, though I've got a bumper crop of mosquitoes.  The only good thing about winter (to me) is that the bugs all go into hiding.  And it makes me appreciate summer. Okay, that's two good things, but that's it.

Have a good night and I hope today was the start of a great week for all of you...


Quote from: Joanna on September 23, 2007, 09:14:02 PM
Hope you all had a good weekend.  Lynne & Terrell stopped by & gave me a little of the bean salad they'd made for the picnic.  It's delicious. 

Are you telling me that Lynne & Terrell didn't know that we were not having the picnic either?
Ye Gads..
I really failed in the communication's dept. didn't I?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


HA! Ha! HA! Ha! HA! Ha! HA! Ha!
(That's my wicked witch laugh, it's really better in person. :-\  ::)) I didn't mean to worry you Teresa, and:  No ~ Terrell & Lynne knew, they are the ones that told me when I saw them on Friday afternoon at the grocery store.  They'd just made the salad early so it would have time to marinate...

Now, when it comes time to decide what color trim you want on your house, you can quick look at the rainbow I've got going on over here to see if any of these work for you. Of course we're planning white trim with a colored house, so you'll have to think backwards.  Yeeks!  Marty was working out of town all weekend, so I think I'll run get a little "bistro orange" to splash on one section and mess with him a little (that color is a family joke) 

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