Good Nite All

Started by flo, June 25, 2007, 10:20:04 PM

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Rudy Taylor

I just realized this is my 42nd wedding anniversary!

I wonder if a guy can buy a gift at the convenience store?

Headin' home!


It truly is "a wonderful life."

Jo McDonald

Ohhhh Rudy ***** How on earth could you have forgotten that????  Shame shame shame...everybody knows your name.


Your wife, in your book, seems to be a very understanding woman.

This will be the test of that portrayal.


Janet Harrington

Oh, Rudy.  I hope you made it through last night without having a skillet up the side of your head.   ha ha


Well, he came back tonight. That tells me that either his wife was nice or that he is as hard-headed as I think he might be.


Rudy Taylor

Yep, she forgave me.

Actually, we agreed ahead of time to delay any celebration of the event. We've always
done that since Aug. 20th is such a busy time in our business ... and it was always
back to school time when our children were growing up.

You guys just don't understand how lovable I am.  She feels so lucky to be married
to me and ... and... shhhhhhh..... I think she's coming into the room.  Don't tell.  I'll
make up with a nice gift, OK?

Teresa, do you sell gift certificates?  Maybe she'd like a nice massage.

"Why, hello Honey.  Me?  Oh, nothing.  Just checking the weather on my computer.
No, no, I'm not talking to those crazy people on the forum.  I only do that about once
a month.  Nope, I'm just sittin' here thinking about what a marvelous marriage we
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

 You are one sly fox. ;D ;D :angel:

Janet Harrington

Rudy, you are sooooo funny.  ;D ;D ;D


You are one sick puppy.. hahahaha  ;D ;D

And yes I DO sell gift certificates..  :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

I'm going to bed tonight feeling so blessed.  I got home, opened the front door and of course the dogs ran out.  I made a phone call or two and went to get something out of the car and realized that I had not closed my front gates.
(I think the heat has fried my brain).  The big dog was still in the yard, but the two little ones were gone.
      Of course, I began calling and driving up and down the streets in every direction while calling all my neighbors on the cell phone.  Would you believe, I found Bingo one block west.  As I was slowly driving home with him, still looking for Chloe, some car I had never seen before started coming towards me.  Then the guy started waving, ( I must have had that frantic lost my dog look), stopped and said "Are you looking for this?", and held her up.   He had found her a block east of my house and was going
to take her home and call the numbers on her tag.
     I can't imagine how I could go to bed and sleep tonight if they werent' there.  I think the little dog angels were with us all today.  Good Nite.

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