Excuse the Geek Talk...

Started by kdfrawg, June 15, 2007, 08:54:59 PM

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Quote from: Mom70x7 on June 17, 2007, 10:30:24 PM
How do your host server and your domain name get together?

That's a fairly personal question, Mom70x7.  ;D

When you set up an account with a Web Host, you either tell them what your domain name is or have them register the desired name for you. That last part is what got Nadine in trouble, by the way. Then, because there has to be a fair trade somewhere in this life, the Web host issues you one of those long numbers to use (it's a rental), like 321.654.987.123.

The Web host then informs the entire Internet / Web community that your chosen name is to be matched with the number that you were issued. That information is sent to a rather large number of large Internet traffic-cop systems, who put the name-number pair in their URL (remember URLs?) database. Eventually, your information gets into the system, generally within 24 to 48 hours.

During this period of resolution (honest, that's what they call it, "Allow 24-48 for your URL and Domain Name to Resolve...") it is possible, nay likely, that you will be available under your special name and number in some places and not in others. It is entirely plausible that users in, say, Pakistan will be able to type in your name and see your web pages before people in South Dakota are able to do so. Nobody said it was going to be fair out here on the Internet Trafficway, or Internet Lane if you're on dial-up, or Web Cul-de-sac if the power is out.



What happens is that once the domian expires it goes into a public auction.  The $10.00 bid is from a company I hired to try and get the domain back.  It is a a wait game and see if my $10.00 bid holds.  Sure hope there is not another nadine redd out there that is wanting the domain :)

Janet, funny about the phase hosed.  Yes we are all getting older.

Hosting is a crap shoot as far as I am concerned.  I have been with Ipower.com for the past 5 years and am happy with their service.  I would not be dealing with godaddy.com except in this domain nightmare had I just have been notified before it expired.  As I have said before, live and learn.  Someone asked me the other day why I was not mad about this, I just smiled, "I have a friend that is dieing from breast cancer - I just left the hospital for a break this afternoon.  Now that is something to be mad about."

I just want my site back up :) nothing compared to you losing the battle for your life.

I have tried to convience Rudy with area newspaperd to go to the web. Maybe I should purchased the elkcounty.com (I checked and it shows not available).  I have not been able to sell him on that, but I keep trying.  Where else can you get 24/7 marketing for around $100.00 (cost for hosting and domain)?  Instant news to the public.  Take this site how much information is being shared among neighbors and yet allows me, who does not live ther any longer to stray in touch and know what is happening?

If you own a business and you are not  on the web, contact me, you are missing out on so much as far as your buinsess is concerned, espeically if you live in a rural area such as Elk County.  The world is yours to grab if you want it.


That auction thing doesn't come up all that often.  :( What a pain. But you're right, there are probably not very many people with your name. I hope some domain name speculator doesn't buy it just because he can.

And you are dead right about companies being on the Web. I have been putting companies large and small on the Web for years and it is almost always worth it. People have come to the conclusion that if you don't have a Website, you can't be serious. And except for construction costs if you can't build your own, it is one heck of a bargain.

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