Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Kewl! It sounds like a job you really like! Life is always better when you like what you're doing for a living. I'm glad this is working out so well for you. Thanks for bringing me (us) up to date!


Kjell H.

Good morning to all of you.

With Teresa off line, I better stop my work for a few minutes and type a few words.

If AT&T keeps their promises, the Queen should be online again this afternoon.  ;D

Her Highness (I will get paid for this one) is giving massages this am and then it is Mason until 5PM. Then I believe it is a girly event somewhere in town with some up to the minute gossiping and grub.

Here at the office, I am preparing for another phone conference with my DRTV partner and a gun manufacturer. We are planning this fall's marketing campaigns for the company which is comprised of video productions and regular product advertising. Then it is web work and going through some details about the upcoming production of Shooting Gallery and Cowboys, 2 shows airing on the Outdoor Channel. 26 episodes will be produced over a period of 6 months. Then it is preparation for tomorrow's new video and podcast.

Rudy, I believe the "Lights on Main Street" will burn late tonight.  ;)

Thanks to Mom and Dad (Jo and Fred) for an excellent lunch yesterday. After work, T and I had a quiet evening watching Andy Griffith and Frasier and while watching, I gave T a complimentary back and shoulder rub. I believe she fell asleep a couple of times. LOL

Break is over, I better get back to work.

Stay safe out there......
Marshal Halloway


I'm glad the Queen will be back soon and that your business efforts are paying off, or at least keeping you busy and out of trouble. Somewhere on this big ol' board I wished you a happy anniversary and it sounds like it came out just fine.

Thanks for the update!


Janet Harrington

Update on Charity - the preemie baby at Wesley from her mama, Maria

Monday, July 23, 2007

Another weekend down....

We put yet another weekend in Wichita behind us. Charity is doing very well. The breathing issues are clearing up and her oxygen amounts are going down again. This is good news for Mom! She is bottling one feeding a day. That is not going so well, but she is trying and it will take a little time for her to get it! She now weighs 3 lbs 8 oz!! It's amazing how quickly she is growing!

Forum members - Please keep your prayers going for Charity and her family.  She is gaining day by day.

Rudy Taylor

Hittin' the hay.  And, yes, I'll say a prayer for little Charity.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Oh, oh, it looks like either AT&T didn't do their job or the gossip machine is working overtime. The Queen was unable to return to us this evening.


Rudy Taylor

My theory is: The king was so charmed by his lady's beauty that he wouldn't let her out of his arms, even to return to her friends on the forum. They're such a handsome duo.  Stuff like that probably happens, doesn't it? Kermit and I might not know about such things, although our own queens are lovely, as well.

(Mine stalks this site every now and then, so the above paragraph should duly impress her, right?)
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Things like that do happen, I'll bet. I'm not much of a prize, but my lovely wife Sabine says that she will be mad at me should I not be where I belong. That's very much the same thing, right?


Diane Amberg

Ok you two, what do you want? Whenever my husband is that charming, I know he wants something, usually some gadget.


Well, first, I just want to seay alive and kept from sleeping in the garage. After that works out, I may be after something else, but I can't think of a thing I want right now. I get in trouble a fair amount with my ladies, so I can't afford to be too evil. Believe it or not, my wife tells me that I'm not the easiest person in the world to share life with.

:angel: :angel: :angel:

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