Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Good afternoon everyone.

((Ta Ta~~~ ))
Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 11, 2007, 01:54:41 PM
Momma and momma Jo,

See how Ms. T treats me every chance she gets.  She is so mean to me.  I, however; would never say such a thing like that to her.  :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Stop your sniveling and tattling. You say all kinds of mean things to me and you know it! And you ALWAYS start it. All I ever want to do is be nice and kind to you and love you and hug you and squeeze you and pinch you and call you George"..  ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D
So just behave and be quiet about all this "momma ... T's being mean to me garbage". ::)

Now that I have my cry baby whiny ass sister friend taken care of I will visit with all of you for a bit.
Before I was so "Rudely interrupted, I as about to say that  I have just a minute while some stuff is d/loading so thought I would yak a bit.
I had a good weekend.
Teri, my daughter in law, and Mark and I worked our tail ends off Saturday mowing and cleaning up our lake area.
It had flooded a few weeks ago, causing water to rise about 200 feet up into the camp area. With it of course came every fallen tree and debris that was in the 2 mile river section also. Then when it went down, all that crap was left just setting there. YUCK!

So we worked worked and got it all cleaned and mowed and trimmed once again. It  looks great, but Derek told me it is a chance of rain every day this week. I hope he is wrong.
Danny left for Sedan for a funeral this morning and got caught before reaching Sedan because the roads were flooded.
I guess Cedar Vale got 8 inches of rain and the river just went crazy.
He made it across . He went real slow. But he had to go clear over to Caney and Independence area to get home. While the funeral was going on, the water raised where it was impassable to get back across.
Well, I have Mason down for his afternoon nap so I better use this time to finish paying the bills for the hardware store and start on a new video project for CasCity and the  Elk Co. Website..

Then Kjell and I spent all day Sunday cleaning out and going through a ton of stored "treasures?" that we had in Sandy Dunbar's school house.
Gadfry.. there was about a zillion brown spiders in every old box and bag we went though. isn't it amazing how something that you saved a year ago.. ( of course thinking it is worth something) ends up being something you look at and say," Now WHY in the name of the good mother would I have saved this nasty old thing!"
so we threw away and cleaned and reboxed all that and then went home and cleaned and did the same thing. So it is a good feeling to know that's done  off our list.
Had popcorn for supper and watched a movie cause I was too pooped to cook.

Hope everyone has a good day. :-*

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here is a few pics from  the mess we had to clean up.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Teresa on June 11, 2007, 02:33:16 PM

Stop your sniveling and tattling. You say all kinds of mean things to me and you know it! And you ALWAYS start it. All I ever want to do is be nice and kind to you and love you and hug you and squeeze you and pinch you and call you George"..  ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D
So just behave and be quiet about all this "momma ... T's being mean to me garbage". ::)


Jo McDonald

I was one happy Grandmas this afternoon --- I was working in the gatehouse booth and a vehicle pulled up to the side window - and YIPPEEEEE  IT WAS MY GRANDSON, DANNY COOKSON  I was soooooooo surprised, and very pleased.  He came in and visited - Fred had gone to town for a bit -- was going to come right back, he said -- but he stayed too long and Dan had to leave for home/  When Fred reaturned and found out who he had missed seeing, he went around the rest of the evening with his lower lip a lot lower that it normally is.
  Thanks for stopping by, Dan, You made my day.  Love you, bunches!!!


Danny told me that he had stopped to see you. He really enjoyed his visit, but was disappointed
that he didn't get to see grandpa.
It is 11:30 and my neck feels like someone has stuck a hot branding iron on the side of it. It is called Mason neck and shoulder.
The little sweety weighs about 17# and this old Mee Maw's neck is about shot.
I hold him too much and try to work on the computer and cook and do laundry and go up town etc etc...
(not spoiled .. just loved a lot.) ::)
Anyway, I have taken my vitamins and I'm going to swallow a muscle relaxer and head to bed. I have an hour and a half massage in the morning at 7:00, so that means I am up at 6.

Better get some shut eye.. or I know what I will be wanting to do in the morning....

Oh yeah.. here is a recent picture of Mason..
Now you tell me how you could resist picking him up and loving on him....huh?

Click on it to make it bigger. :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Ole Granny

Mason is a cutey!  Enjoy every minute- grandchildren are so much fun!
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Kjell H.

Good day forum members, :)

I have lots of work to do, and I am taking Teresa to the chiropractor this afternoon, so we can get her neck and shoulder to feeling better.
( I want her to feel like baking me that pie tomorrow  ;) )
Hope everyone is enjoying their time together on here. I must say that it is becoming a popular coffee shop for everyone to gather together.

It is hot and the humidity is s high. That is something that Norway doesn't have together.
We have high humidity because of the ocean being right there, but the hot that goes with it we don't have.

Well, the phones are going to start ringing and duty will soon call, so I will wish you all a wonderful Tuesday.
Have fun.

Marshal Halloway


Quote from: Kjell H. on June 12, 2007, 09:02:02 AM
It is hot and the humidity is s high. That is something that Norway doesn't have together.
We have high humidity because of the ocean being right there, but the hot that goes with it we don't have.

Hot and humid does not happen very often in England either

Janet Harrington

Hot and humid happens in Kansas all the darn time.  Sometimes I think I should just jump in the shower, wash, get out, and put on my clothes without drying because they are going to be wet during the day anyway.


Well, we went to Dr Guy in Augusta and he put me back together, but today after working and holding Mason a lot, the nerve in the base of my neck next to the vertebra is on fire and starting to pinch again!

Kjell worked on it tonight for about 30 minutes and then iced it and it helped some. I think I just need a long vacation on a beach somewhere and the only thing I do with my neck  is turn to look at purty fellers and use my arm to lift that glass of rum cocktail.
Then it might have a chance to get better..  ;D

We got home last night about midnight. We had to go get some computer stuff and then decided to go to a movie. We saw Gracie. it was a good show ..(((( *whispering* We both cried )))))
But it had a great feel good ending.

Today I did get some oatmeal cookies made for Whiny Butt. I made the pie crust but I had cooked a chicken in the crock pot, so I decided to make chicken pie for me .. and Monday I had made a roast with everything but the kitchen sink in it for Kjell, so I took part of the leftovers and made a beef pot pie for him.
( So he got his pie) hahahahaha
I'll make a dessert  pie in a few days..... ::) (((sheeesh)))  ::)

Miss Ashley wanted to come to her Mee Maws this afternoon after bible school, so she was here helping me with Mason   and playing with the Hebb boys out in the mud. LOL
Oh to be a kid again... just for the sake of playing without a care in the world... :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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