Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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GOOOOOOD MOOOOORRRRRRNING FOOOOOOORUM !  ;D Beautiful day.  In about an hour I shall be off to my "Sister's Weekend".  My oldest sister, Fran, drove down here yesterday from Lebo and spent the night with me and this morning we shall be off to Super 8 in Blackwell Oklahoma where we will meet with sister Susie from Carter OK and Marie from Haysville.  Blackwell seemed to be about the "central" point for us all this year.  We will have a glorious 2 days just visiting, eating, shopping, or just whatever we decide we want to do.  Being together is the important thing.  Talk to ya all Monday.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Roma Jean Turner

  Sounds great flo.  Savor every moment of it.


Sister times... They don't get any better than that!
I know you all will have a great time.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

CBS is broadcasting "live" in Greensburg today. 


Greensburg is getting a lot of publicity this week.  I saw on the Discovery Channel last night (got tired of Law & Order, so switched to Deadliest Catch) that this weekend they have a show on Greensburg, too.  "Blown Away: Greensburg, Kansas"  8:00 pm Saturday, and 12:00 pm on Sunday. 

Speaking of Greensburg; is their graduation this weekend?  For some reason I thought it was, and wondered if they had to move it up because of Pres. Bush speaking there.


Tobino.. I posted this in the "Fred Phelps strikes again"  thread.
but I will add it to this one too.

My sister says there are tv crews all over the place this week in Greensburg..and they will have security posted on top of the water tower and all throughout the town. Because Pres. Bush will be there and also Phelps tribe is going to picket the graduation.  >:(

This week there will be a excerpt on the CBS Early Show on Greensburg.  Below is the website to see these. 

This website is having all kinds of video all this week on this little tornado busted town. 
The CBS early show crew is here and set up on corner of the old main street.  They are doing interviews and all that jazz. 
Areo SpeedWagon is going to be here on Friday morning to do the early show as well.  They are setting up and stage and all that.  This is a big week here and this weekend with the President, the Patriot Guard, Graduation.  They are having a big car show too.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Tereso... Thanks!  I guess I read that thread but didn't register that graduation WAS this weekend (focused on the Phelps issue).  Seems kind of early; wonder if the seniors will still have to go to class the rest of May.


Hope everyone's plants and stuff survived the wind and storms last night.  We had hail last night, but didn't get time to look at garden this morning to see if it damaged anything.  Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Good Morning everyone.
It is cold here this a.m. with..once again.. the winds just howling and tearing your head off.
Boy, Mother Nature is sure ticked about something.. LOL
But Kansas is being true to her form. in the 80's one day and cold in the 50's the next.

Hope everyone's weekend is good, where ever you are.  :-*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bonnie M.

We're doing well out this way!  It was 81ยบ a little while ago.  That's not bad. 

"Life is good!"

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