Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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No Bonnie.. I can cook and make up good recipes... but
Mama and Sister got the talent in the craft making.
Mama can sew and paint and she does beautiful work.
Sherri ( my sister) does wood crafts and her work is awesome.
I have the gift of decorating what is already made.. but I am not too handy in the craft dept.
Although I am learning how to do scrap booking and I love it. I just wish I had more time to spend doing it..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

Wow, have fun all of you.  It sounds so festive and the food so yummy!  I have my tree up and some lights and poinsettias around the house.  Got the Christmas periphenalia up in the kitchen.  I just can't get motivated to get the ladder and lights and do the outside. Can't get motivated to throw a Christmas party either.  However, am snug as a bug in a rug setting here doing paperwork and watching DVD's.  Plan to do Christmas with my family in Wichita and am excited about that.  If I have time to come through Howard, I will holler.


The inside is already for Santa.  I have some of my outside lights up, some to go.  I was going to fire up the peanut brittle factory today but with the rain that didn't happen.  I did wrap a few presents today.  Think I will make some sugar cookies in a little while.

Bonnie M.

I'm going to need some sugar cookies to serve on Monday afternoon!  It's our turn for serving refreshments for our weekly Bible study, and I'm going to serve Peppermint Ice cream and sugar cookies.  (I LOVE Peppermint Ice Cream!)  So, Sally, it's too bad there's such a distance between us, as I might just need to come over and pretend I'm helping you, and come home with some sugar cookies!  In reality, I bought a couple of tubes of sugar cookie dough, and I'm going to try to dress them up as if they were homemade!  (But, that really won't fool anybody, will it?)

Diane Amberg

Congratulations, Bonnie on your nice rain. Al showed me on the weather map yesterday where it looked like you were getting a good rain.
I know it isn't morning any more but I have to brag. Our Blue Hens won their game against Northern Iowa this afternoon. There was a big snow, but in the dome, no problem. We ruined their undefeated season. Last time we played them we won too...here...in a big snowstorm. So we get to move on to the semi finals.


Bonnie, I wish you were a little closer so you could have come by and picked some cookies up.  As it was I baked them, frosted them and took them to the neighbor kids.  I managed to sneak one before I delivered them though.  I hope it is dry enough tomorrow to get started on the Peanut Brittle.  Last year I made over two hundred lbs. of it.  So I do need to get started.  Not to mention all the other little chores that need to be done before Christmas.  Have a good week.

Bonnie M.

Sally!  The sugar cookies sounded wonderful! 

Diane!  Congratulations on your team winning!  We're watching the big storm roll through the mid-west, on T. V.  We do have to remember, it IS winter!  And, I think probably a lot of the country needs moisture, in any form.  (Or, do they, in the areas where they're getting the snow, etc.) 


Beeee-utiful Day today. No wind... 52 degrees... Sunshine...
After a few days of cold and wind...
Mother Nature surprised us again. :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


  It sure is windy this morning  :o  With all the moaning & howling I heard before 6, I thought a storm was brewing till I went outdoors and found it really wasn't all that chilly.
   I have a busy day planned, need to go return some tile samples I borrowed in ElDorado & and in Wichita, go to the dentist in Augusta and squeeze in a little Christmas window shopping. 
   Still don't have any gift ideas for one son and way too many for the other.  To make shopping more challenging, one is graduating college before Christmas and the other has a birthday right after.  Finding a perfect gift for my dad will be a snap after that!  HA!  (I can always roll up my sleeves and make him an apple pie if nothing else presents itself  ;)
   Actually I love shopping, but none of my guys do, and my daughter-in-law usually has all hers done before Thanksgiving (and I thought I was organized!)  So I usually pick a day like today, wander through the hardware stores, auto parts stores & the mall to decide what I like, then wait till I can take Marty with me (closer to December 24 :)) to actually choose the stuff.  It's a wacky system, but it's our compromise.  HA!
   I hope everyone else enjoys the day as much as I plan to! 


Enjoy your day to yourself Joanna... :)
There is a huge flea market downtown that I want to go in, and I will the next time I go to El Dorado. I need some vintage jewelery to go with one of the outfits I am having made for an event in  February.. The NCOWS  Gala Ball. I will be posting pictures soon of my gown, hat and cape that Carol Nigh is creating and making me. Man oh Man that woman is talented. This looks like you opened up a trunk form the 1800's and pulled these things out. Awesome and I am very excited.

Yesterday I went to El Dorado to Dr Rose Wilson ( my chiropractor) and got myself put back together. She had hired a new massage therapist in there I am so picky on my massages. I want to find someone who gives them like I do and I haven't been able to do that yet.. But, she and I started talking and I decided she was strong enough to dig in there and get my old petrified muscles loose.
I left 1,1/2 hours later feeling great. She was good and I am so excited to have found someone that will be able to "bring tears to my eyes".  ;D

We have to leave in a bit to head to Coffeyville. Kjell has an eye appt with our optometrist Dr. Rettle. He is so good. I sure like my glasses so he is going to have new bifocal contacts and probably get glasses too. Then stop somewhere to eat and will trundle home.
The wind is blowing about a zillion miles an hour. so with that tail wind, we will not use as much gas going one way..  :)

Have a good day everyone.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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