Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Diane Amberg

  Flo, what kind of things will you be doing?


I am very happy for you, Flo. It sounds like something that you will enjoy while bringing in a little extra income.


Jo McDonald

Congrats, Flo --- West Elk students will be better because of your kindness


back with my home grown tomatoes - went by the store and got a cucumber and guess what I plan to fix for supper?  Love cucumber, tomato and onion salad.  Thanks for the good wishes.  I love children, big and small, so know I will like this job.  I will be a para for the resource room. 


You have struck upon one of my favorites, Flo. I absolutely love cucumber, tomato, and onion salad.

My father-in-law has a degree in horticulture, earned in Germany before they came over here. For that matter, my mother-in-law has one, too. But she does the flowers and he does a 50 x 100 foot garden every year. He grows some interesting stuff. Starting last year, he added Japanese cucumbers that grow sort of in a curly-que. The skins are very thin and they are sweeter than most cucumbers. Yum! This year we got a lot of Yukon Gold new potatoes early, and the mature ones are about ready to dig. He also did black tomatoes this year.

My wife got some beautiful eggplant earlier in the week, and we are breading and frying that for dinner tonight. It seems to me that the eggplant season is way to short.

Janet Harrington

Congrats, flo!  I, too, think you will love working with the Jr/Sr High School kids.

Maybe I should look into that music job.  I have a little talent.  I can play the piano with both hands.  I can sing.  I play the trumpet.  I have a degree.  It's just not in teaching.  Wonder if they would offer me more money.  Wonder if it would be more then I make at the prison.  Wonder in one hand and XXXX in the other.  ha ha


Here are my thoughts again....about the music position.  I had Flo in the evening swimmercize class interested and capable of maintaining a music class.  Then I had someone in the morning class say (after I had brought up the subject of No Music Teacher and what happened in Flo's case)  "Wow, I never thought of it before now, but I could check into it also----"  Although the 2nd person simply stated she wasn't interested.....I am thinking that if in the small town of Howard there are 2 people that we know of that could possibly help keep our music program alive at the Elementary level, how many more are there out there throughout the state that could do the same?   I maintain, the search should be on seriously, because there are very capable people out there.  I can not believe that there is absolutely no one.  Maybe no one that would even look twice at what they offered Flo for such responsibility, but come on!  We can come up with money for other things.  I have not really cooled down on this subject.... because our kids are losing out.  It's not fair---it's not right!


I am going to show all of these posts to my daughter when she gets back from Florida Friday. She will be absolutely livid. She will be entering her Senior year in the Music Education program at KU in a couple of weeks. Because of three years in marching band and the incredible amount of time that takes (plus being in involved in school politics as a Senator) she won't finish all of her pure education classes or do her student teaching until the Fall of 08. Her dream has been to be an elementary music teacher and she's got it firmly in sight. I am proud of her. I know when the school board here started listening to her at a meeting three years ago about cutting funding for music, several of the memebers were scrunching down in their seats. They did not cut a single dollar from music.


Too bad we can't get her here to at least inform our school board in the same way.  I am not sure at this point what it will take. 


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