Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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Janet Harrington

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
La la la la...
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days.

(Credit to Music & Lyrics: Gene Raskin)


Well, we had chicken pot pie last night for supper too ~ the kind out of a box & into a microwave.  Ha!  (Honestly, I don't usually cook that way).  Someday soon, maybe this weekend, I'll have a stove in the kitchen again, and running water.  We're all getting a little tired of grilling & of eating out.  But I'm gonna have the prettiest new kitchen in Howard (till the next one comes along, I guess). 

Think I'll go whack on a few more weeds today.  The spray stuff I used on the stumps last time didn't seem to work ~ I probably did something wrong or did it at the wrong time of day or had some other major flaw in my plan.  Directions!  I don't need no stinkin' directions!


well, hello and good morning -  ??? no rain this morning  ??? that's a good switch..... Kjell, you hit the nail on the head - this is just one great gathering place to catch up on what's going on in our town, and have a cup of coffee at the same time.  Teresa, hope your neck is better ....  I do so enjoy my grandkids, but they all grew up on me except for the 12 yr. old.  But have 5 great grands that are darlings, just wish they all lived closer.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to live without the humidity???? then the heat wouldn't be so bad either.  Well, Marvin and I are off to Vinita Ok. in a few minutes, (soon as he gets here) so will have to check tonite to see what happened today.  hagd e1

Kjell H.

Good afternoon.
My day started off with a strong cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich. Then off to the office and have been answering e-mails , taking phone calls, and updating web pages and just normal work actually today.
Some long awaited contracts are finally being signed, so Teresa and I will be kicking into high gear with traveling and filming video content for Down Range TV. It is a lot of work, but we both enjoy it.

That's all for my day so far. Hope everyone is well and the rains stay away for the rest of the day.
If the moisture keeps up, we will have mosquitoes here as big as they are in Norway! :o
Marshal Halloway


And I am the one who started my day out with cooking the bacon for the sandwiches.. lol

I have had a busy day also.
First Mason got here at his usual time.. around 9:00, and by the time I get his cereal and his bath and all his needs taken care of , it is about 10:30.
In the meantime, I have answered the phone, done some laundry, vacuumed and answered some e-mails.  Set out some pork chops for supper to thaw, and boiled some potatoes so they can cool and I can slice them up and brown in butter.. Yum!
( And I wonder why I am gaining weight?)Duhhh
It hasn't been too stressful of a day, but I still have work to do tonight on some video work.
I was uptown awhile ago running errands and it was sprinkling.. but I hear the birds singing now, so it must not have been too many sprinkles.

Well, Mason is awake from his nap, so better go change him and give him the attention he needs..

Hope you all have had a good day so far, and I'll be talking to you soon.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Good Friday Morning everyone.  Sunshine is sure pretty but alas, probably make it a sauna out there.  Had a very nice trip to Vinita yesterday in spite of all the rain we had to drive in.  Regular toad strangler at Independence.  And OMG all the water standing in fields and timber where the rivers had been out of their banks.  So many ruined crops, that were probably on the brink anyhow.  And we seen this from just east of Sedan to Nowata OK.  In several places and you  could see by the debris on the fences where water had been over the highway in several of these places.  Well, about beauty shop time so better get moving.  Question, why do they call it a beauty shop???? Other than my hair, I don't seem to be anymore beautiful when I leave.  Something to ponder.  Kjell, do you suppose that bacon sandwich was to take the place of the pie? It sure sounds just as good.

Kjell H.

Quote from: flo on June 15, 2007, 09:15:36 AM
Kjell, do you suppose that bacon sandwich was to take the place of the pie? It sure sounds just as good.

Mornin' back to ya! Nope, it was an addition. I just went down to the house to fix something on her laptop.... and by golly.... pies were lined up....

I am wonderin' though..... was it only pie I smelled. Could it also be a smell of bribery ???

Stay tuned for the next episode of Falcon Crest.... I mean Pie Crust...

Back to work....
Marshal Halloway


Well, it's too late to say good morning, but I could certainly manage a "Good afternoon!" I was here this morning but was still speechless.  ;o) I know that Teresa will find that hard to believe, but there you are.

I just got back from taking my daughter to the airport. She is headed to Colorado for the weekend to attend her aunt's wedding celebration. Well, the first one. This one is for all the Colorado friends and the second one will be in upstate New York, where the groom was born. They have been going together for ten years or so, which sort of takes the urgency out of wedding celebrations.

The drive to KCI still amazes me. It takes an hour to get there and another hour to get back. About the only place I ever go any more is to Omaha to see my Dad and that's only a two-and-a-half hour drive one way. It just seems too far to go for something that has gotten as inconvenient as today's high-security airports.

< shaking head >

Oh comma well.


Janet Harrington

Yep, kdfrawg, I do believe that you belong on this forum.  I say, welcome and please, please stay.

Now, let me tell you about my day.  I got up at 5:30 a.m., (because I am practicing getting up to go to work).  I went to Toot's to have breakfast and coffee and didn't learn a darn thing while there.

I spent my morning reading from the Bible, then getting a congratulation card ready to mail to our son-in-law.  Brian, the son-in-law, is a Sgt. in the Air Force and is stationed at Wichita Falls, TX.  Brian just passed the Master Sgt. test and will get another stripe on his uniform.  He will also make more money each month.  That is extremely nice as his wife, our daughter, is pregnant, for the first time at the age of 39.  Ah, yes, we will be grandparents again for the 4th time.  Brian does have 2 beautiful teenage daughters that live here in Kansas and we have one grandson, and two granddaughters from Jim's first daughter.

Okay, got the card ready to go.  Talked to My Lorie (she is part of the posse), who lives in Savannah, MO.  Talked to Cat, (she is also part of the posse), and she lives in Cherryvale, Ks. 

I went over to Ms. T's and talked to her and got to hold Mason.  He is a chunk and he has a dimple in the middle of his chin.  Ms. T says Mason's daddy, Derek, has a dimple in his chin as does Grandpa Mark.  Well, let me tell you, I do believe that Mason is going to be the next Kirk Douglas, he is so handsome.

After all the gadding (is that a word), about, I went to lunch with two sisters and a mother.  We left the Mother at home and then traveled to Wichita to finish moving and cleaning the oldest sister's trailer.  The oldest sister has moved to Howard and will be living catty cornered from the Mother. 

Before getting to the trailer in Wichita, we stopped at Wesley Hospital and saw my sister-in-law, Carolyn, who just had surgery.  Carolyn will get to go home to Winfield on Saturday.

We also went to the NICU, Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit), to see my friend, Maria, from Fredonia.  Maria had a little girl Tuesday, June 12, named Charity.  Charity was 12 weeks early.  She weighed 1 lb, 14 ozs., and was 13 inches long.  I did get to see Charity.  She is on IVs, has oxygen pumped into her incubator, has dressings covering her eyes, and is covered with lots of blonde hair all over her body.  She does have black hair on her head.  She wiggled and wiggled the whole time I stood there and looked at her.  Maria, the mama, is a little short Mexican girl, pretty as a bug.  When I say short, Maria is about 4' 8".  I don't think there was room for that little girl.  Please keep Charity in your prayers.  I believe that she is very strong and is going to pull through this with God's help.  Since she wiggled so much, I think she will grow up and become an actress for Jello.  You know, you wiggle and you giggle.  (That's a joke, folks.)  I have put pictures of Charity at the bottom, so that you will know who you are sending prayers up for.

Now, I am home.  I have showered.  I have ate PIE.  Yes, I have ate PIE.  I am catching up on the forum and I will talk with you all tomorrow.  Love to all.


Yes'm, Janet, that is quite a day. When do you have to start getting up and going to work for real? It sounds like you're looking forward to it and I hope it's as good as you hope it will be, and maybe a little easier, though that latter rarely comes true. Congratulations to Brian! As I probably have said elsewhere, I am from a military family. My Dad was Navy (30-odd years) and wound up an E-9 Super-Chief. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your daughter. They're getting better at it every year, but being 39 and pregnant is not as easy as being 25 and pregnant.

I have a good friend that is a neo-natal nurse at KU Med. They're getting pretty good at that, too. I'm sure Charity and Maria are in good hands. Except when typing, I will cross the fingers that I'm not using for your daughter in hopes that it will help charity. Wiggly kids, by the way, are one of the best kind.  ;o)

I don't have any pie, so I'm jealous.


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