Hello & Good Morning!

Started by Jo McDonald, June 06, 2007, 03:20:27 PM

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I am on the library board and we just had a meeting this evening.  The microfilm reader is priced at $5000.  We have had one donation reported to us so far by the city clerk.  It is just wonderful to think that people care enough to want to help with this project.  I think there are some great things starting to happen at the Howard City Library.  Your help is indeed appreciated and we expect to receive the new reader by fall. I just can't say enough about this generosity. Thank you so much for your gift---you will be thanked properly by our board. 

Diane Amberg

   Thank you Mrs. "Nest." Glad to help. I may be able to send a bit more later.
  Now Mr. "Frawg,'' I've been thinking about your new name for global warming. Even went back and reread the July Smithsonian magazine that had a very interesting article. It talks more about greenhouse gasses as the culprit and global warming as the effect. How about something really meaningful like "3GLOPI." (Global Greenhouse Gasses Liquifiy Our Planet's Ice)  No? Too cerebral?


No, just too corporate, perhaps.

Big Honking Weather Mess? (BHWM)

Period of Rising Water? (PRW)

The Magic Disappearing Serahore? (MDS)


Wait! I've got it!

Wicked Weather Island Inundation Initiative!



Diane Amberg

Janet Harrington


Diane Amberg


It is/was raining again this morning.. but what a perfect sleeping day.. ( if only I could have stayed in bed...  :P  )

Woke up at 5:30, and since we have all the windows open, the noise of the thunder and the rain was awesome.  I pulled the sheet up around my neck and shut my eyes again and dozed off to Mother Nature's lullaby's..
Woke up again at about 7ish.. and should have got up , but didn't. Just laid there listening to the rain, feeling the cool breeze flowing through the window and filling the room up with the fresh smell of rain and earth.

Mason got here at his usual time so I fixed his big bowl of baby cereal and applesauce and he yummed that right down and while he sat in his walker and played and talked to his toys, I got some things done around the house.. then gave him his bath and he played a bit more on the bed.. and then fixed him a bottle ..he took a few ounces of that and I rocked him to sleep with his slicky blue silk blanket and his Binky... Ahhhh life is good for him..  :angel:  ( and for me when I have his soft little head on my shoulder..)

Just wanted to check in.. look over the posting.. make sure all is well... add my 2-3 cents in where ever I feel the need.. ( The Queen doesn't need to explain why)  ;D ;D..
And then get on with my day.

So I hope everyone has a good productive day.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

   I see you are on flood watch again. Keep an eye out.

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