Did You Ever Wonder Why...

Started by Teresa, May 22, 2007, 05:02:55 PM

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When I worked at the Ag lab we had to weigh samples before they went into the oven to dry and again when they came out so we could calculate the moisture content. One day there was a terrible smell coming from the drying oven when it was time to stir the samples we found the souce there in the middle of a silage sample was a mouse now remember we had weighed the sample before it went in so that mouse had to stay there and dry out along with the silage but we were not touching that dehydrated mouse so we called the lab manager and made him remove it before we sent the sample on for grinding. All the farmer wanted was a moisture report so his sample results were not affected by the mouse but he did say we could keep the mouse he did not want it back. That was the first mouse we had received in a sample in the 9 years I worked there and thankfully it was the last as well.

Jo McDonald

Did you ever wonder why????
This thread got to the point that most of the stories right now are about mice?    hahahahahaha  Are we all -- just out there??? Or what???

This is the most relaxing thing I can do when really, I should be doing ~~~~What??? I don't know!!
But I sure like this better - no matter what I should be doing.


It is almost 1 in them morning.. ( again)
And I am supposed to be working on the 4th of July slideshow to go with the video..
and I will .... just as soon as I tell another story.. lol
((shhhhh Don't tell Kjell)))

When I was a sophomore in high school, one of my friends was Linda Wiseman. ( Louie and Gracie Wiseman's daughter)
I was spending the night with her one Saturday night .
Well we went to a dance at the fair grounds and were supposed to be home by 1:00.
We knew that Bub and Randy ( her brothers) wouldn't be home until lots later, so we figured that we could stay out longer and as long as we got home BEFORE they did.. we were ok. We wouldn't get in trouble and they probably would. ;)

So we went on down to the low water bridge where the "party" was going on after the dance.
When we left to go back to her house... we turned off the headlights.. and let the car idle into the drive way. Got out real quiet like and slipped in the house.

Bad thing was.. Bub and Randy had beat us home, and we knew that they hadn't been quiet and we also knew that it was a good chance her dad was awake ,Then he would have already known then that we weren't home yet.

So we slipped into the house through the back door into the mud room. From there you stepped into the kitchen and then the bathroom was off that room and then her parents bedroom was right off the bathroom.
We were in luck. Her dad was snoring and no one was awake. ((We were out of trouble one more wk-end)  ;D

I had to go to the potty something fierce ( we had been drinking beer  :P ) so I VERY QUIETLY tiptoed into the bathroom..didn't turn on a light... sat down on the stool  in the dark and proceeded to "quietly" do my business.
All of a sudden a mouse ran up my pajama leg!! I jumped off that stool like someone had shot me with a .22 and screamed bloody murder at the top of my lungs doing a dance that Fred Astaire would have been envious of!
Forget anyone sleeping!
Louie threw that bathroom door open and ran in there ..hair standing up and his underware on.. saying~~ "What in the hell is going on in here!"

Well, I was a blubbering idiot..and of course Randy come downstairs and made some comment about waking up everyone in the house...and Yes~~ we got in trouble for being late.
But I didn't care! That mouse traumatized me for the rest of the night. :o

I had to go to the bathroom all night and I didn't dare go downstairs to that bathroom. LOL LOL

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


For a second there, I thought you were going to say you didn't turn on the light and ended up sitting on one of the boys!!!  :o

Janet Harrington

OMG.  I am laughing, laughing, laughing.  I would have loved to have been a little mouse that sat in the corner and watched that.  What a hoot.


Did You Ever Wonder Why...

A fine is a tax for doing wrong
a tax is a fine for doing well?


that one is hard to figure.  I just say," his money is my money, and my money is my money " so I should have lots of money ;D ;D ;D . And the Tax man takes it,  anyway they can get it. >:(
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.


Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

And we all know how Caesar was...


Janet Harrington

Quote from: kdfrawg on July 13, 2007, 05:27:53 PM
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

And we all know how Caesar was...


He's mostly dead.


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