Did You Ever Wonder Why...

Started by Teresa, May 22, 2007, 05:02:55 PM

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Well, semi (except as in the truck) means "half" or "partly", so it is certainy possible to be semi-nude. However, it is not possible to be, for example, semi-pregnant, since some things are either absolutley on or off, yes or no. Nor, since an absolute is implied by the "-less," is it possible to be "semi-boneless." It is a concept that depends primarily upon its subject. If the subject is "nude" then "semi" is okay, within your own ethical bounds. If the subject is "pregnant" then no "semi" is, in my opinion, possible, regardless of your ethical bounds.

I suppose we could make a list of things that fall into the two possible categories, but I have a feeling that it would become quickly less interesting.



Did you ever wonder why people don't like to swim when it rains?  Are they afraid they'll get more wet?  (Now, I know why it is not safe to swim during lightning).

Janet Harrington

Well, unless you are God and know for a fact that Caesar is stone cold dead, you have to think he is mostly dead.  Actually, I just said it that way because it sounded good.

Since I have been in the business of dealing with the dying and the dead, I can guarantee when someone is dead.  I can also reassure you that the soul is not there anymore.  All that is there is a shell.  The shell is what God allows us to have until we don't need it anymore.  I wonder when Jesus comes and we get to go to heaven if I can have a different shell other then this one.  This one hurts sometimes and it is too fat.


Quote from: emptynest on July 14, 2007, 06:19:56 PM
Did you ever wonder why people don't like to swim when it rains?  Are they afraid they'll get more wet?  (Now, I know why it is not safe to swim during lightning).

I've swam in the rain. It's not as much fun cause you can't just float around on your back without getting water in your eyes. That and the sky is usually dark when it rains, and then you can't see what's around you very well.

Jo McDonald

Did you ever wonder why????
This thread has gotten so off course????



wondered that myself - Roll Call is pages of nothing that pertains to roll call - and etc. but sooner or later maybe someone will post a bio.


Threads seem to take on a life of their own. I have run a number of forums and if I have gained any wisdom therefrom, it is that there is very rarely any such thing as "off topic." People talk about what people want to talk about, when they want to talk about it, and, what the heck, isn't that what a forum is for? In a recreational conversation, free-form is good.



Quote from: flo on July 15, 2007, 11:41:43 AM
wondered that myself - Roll Call is pages of nothing that pertains to roll call - and etc. but sooner or later maybe someone will post a bio.

I told Kjell tonight that I needed to go into the Roll Call and start taking out everything that isn't a Bio ...
He sighed really big and said " it is a Loooootttttt of work"..and it is almost impossible to keep something like that clean, because people like to comment and then someone else comments..and it gets off subject and then before you know it, you have a few Bio's mixed up in all the hodge podge of 'stuff'.

New comers have to be confused when they go to see who people are and find that they have to filter through pages of stuff to find what they went there to read. :(

Maybe it will be easier to start another roll call... taking  roll call things.. and putting them into THAT one.. moving all the 'stuff' into another 'stuff' thread...  I will insist that we keep it only for that ::) :P

But right now.. I am so tired and it is 2:30 in the morning..and I am still up and typing away.
I am not going to deal with it right now and I don't have time in the next few days to do anything about it anyway..
But it DOES need to be done...
sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..anyone want to volunteer? ;D

((That's okay.. I understand..  :-*) I'll get to it.... :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Oh, right.  As if any of us could figure out how to do it...  Actually I would volunteer to help this time, except it might take you longer to teach me how than to do it yourself ~ kind of like teaching my sons to peal potatoes...


 ha ha ha ... Why is it that peeling potatoes is so hard for some folks?
I have never used a potato peeler, cause then you have to go back and it takes forever to get the eyes and spots out.
So I always have used a knife and learned to "peel thin" as my mama always taught me..  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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