Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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I was saving this for soap box day, but I can't wait that long.  As some of you know, I have a five year old, unneutered tom cat.  I have gone to some expense to provide him with a safe outdoor space, namely, the back porch is covered with welded wire, creating a huge cage.  Recently he has had to defend his territory because of a cat that has been challenging him through the wire.  Now the porch floor is at least 2 feet from the ground.  This cat has to find something to climb on to reach the level of the porch.  I have blocked off the screen door to keep them apart and placed some boards in other places so they couldn't see each other.  Tonight I found the cat perched atop my air conditioner.  Luckily, my Bud couldn't get to the screen in that spot, so the argument was vocal.  Last week they tangled through the wire resulting in Bud being injured and having to see the vet.

Not only that, but this cat has been marking the outside of the house, to which my Bud has to respond in kind.  Not pleasant.  The cat has even marked the back door of my garage where my Bud has never been.  Now the gist of this tirade is, if you have a pet and if you love your pet, have it spayed or neutered and try to keep it from being a nuisance to your neighbors.  If you don't love your pet, why do you have it?  I know that it is hard to control a cat.  Didn't I trap and haul 28 of them to the Humane Society instead of moving them over here and turning them loose or leaving them for the neighbors to put up with?  So what if the kittens are cute now?  Are you any less responsible for them when they grow up?  And as for strays, wouldn't it be far better to help them find good homes than to spend $$$$$ feeding them?  Taking care of the strays may be kind hearted and I heartily applaud people that care for animals, but providing for them is not keeping them from being a nuisance.  And just who are you doing any favors for anyway?

I know some of you will wonder why my pet hasn't been neutered.  My pet is a special needs pet.  When he was less than a year old, he was very, very sick.  We didn't take him to a vet because I was very, very sick, also, having had heart surgery, then staph infection.  Bud was so sick we were sure he was dying.  He survived, but was incapacitated in that his equilibrium was off.  He still can't jump from the floor to the table and he has only in the last couple of months managed to jump up onto my bed.  The vet I talked to about neutering didn't think he could take the anesthetic.  He hasn't been loose outside for more than 4 years.  The only people he is a nuisance to is me and anybody else who happens to be in my house.  Having him neutered would not solve the problem of other cats challenging him or spraying the outside of my doors.  The only solution to this problem is you. 


It just irritates me to death to have people drive by here 60 mph not giving a flying flip if there is kids riding their bicycles or anyone walking or anything!
I mean .. they are flying by here.. !
I would love to print the name, but if I did, the parents would claim that "not their boy.. he wouldn't do that..!
And they are the first ones to gripe about him saying "we just don't know what we are going to do with him... blah blah blah....
And the few times when he gets in trouble.. they are the first ones to get him off the hook..and telling him he was mistreated by the law!

It's a bunch of horse s........................opps... :-X
Ahhh .. I mean....It's a bunch of poppycock!... yeah! THAT's what it is,...

Makes me sick!

That's all.. !
I just had to vent.!

I'm going to bed now...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



I ditto everything Teresa said earlier about the flying right down Wabash (or any other street) in town or out of town (like the lake) .... sorry I didn't say that.  Anyway, I agree.  You know, Teresa, if you or I or anyone else on this forum was doing that.......we'd have made the paper, channel 2 and the forum news.  (plus there would probably be pictures posted of us in the post office!)


There have been a few college kids in our street that used to drive too fast. I think I have hollered at them all, now, in the year we have lived here and sometimes moseyed on down to have a talk with them as they park. They have all slowed down. I don't look forward to having to break in a new set of KU freshman leadfeet when school starts in the Fall.

But I will.


And we live on Washington - here's it not just one car - but often two - racing ! ! !

I had hoped it would be better when the sheriff moved in; it slowed them down for awhile but now they're at it again.

Of all my kids, only one did much speeding. (And he still does, but that last ticket has kinda knocked the wind out of him a bit - hooray!) When he lived at home, we'd just take the car away. Can't do that any more.  :(   Except we just did -  :D. He made the mistake of having us co-sign for it, so he can't get it back until his fines are all paid off. So sad. (giggle, giggle)    He's driving our Rav 4, which isn't nearly as cool as his Mazda.  ;)

And on that topic, only from a different angle - have you noticed that different vehicles really do have different speeds they feel comfortable in?  Not all cars "hum" or are in the groove at the same speed.


And where is our city cop when this speeding is occuring?  Would a complaint put him on the lookout for this? 

I agree with Mom about different cars being comfortable at different speeds.  Maybe that is why I am comfortable in my old Town & Country at the speed limit.  I have had cars, especially a 1964 Ford galaxie, that was more comfortable at over the speed limit and, believe me, that is how Janet drove it.


Tsk, tsk - you're not saying Janet exceeded the speed limit regularly, are you!  ???   :D   :laugh:


Back in her young and foolish days.  I don't think we can call her young any more.


Quote from: Wilma on June 15, 2007, 07:15:50 AM
Back in her young and foolish days.  I don't think we can call her young any more.

You can say that again...

and the foolish part?   LOL LOL

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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