Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

I'm with you Jody.  The attitude really matters to me.  I can be very patient when I can tell someone is really trying.  A couple of times they have actually thanked me for being patient with them.  I have thanked them in turn for doing their best.  I'm keeping my Buick with the Super Charger and thanking God that premium is only 2.89 here.


Diane, I can now report that I have my new roof.  I decided to go with a metal roof instead of shingles.  The cost was only a few dollars more.  Janet thinks the house is already cooler and I am inclined to think so, too.  I keep turning the thermostat up as it gets too cool.

Diane Amberg

 Congratulations on the new roof.  Is it the standing seam kind of metal roof?   Just nosey.  Regardless it should last for a very long time.  Your house will love you for it. :-*


I think it might the standing seam kind.  It has raised ridges every so often with a little higher raise on the edges.  I have never heard it called anything except metal roof.  At least it isn't flat pieces of metal that fit flat on the roof.


The cat and dog and I will be walking over that way to look at your roof.  We have to keep our finger on the pulse of what's going on in the neighborhood from time to time.  Are there people in the house to your east from time to time?  I tend to see lights there off and on but never any people.


There seems to have been a light left on in the north part of the house.  It is always there when I pull my east shade at night and if I raise the shade early enough in the morning.  I don't see anybody there except to mow.

By all means, come see my new roof and tell me how it looks.  I can't see it without getting at least half a block away from it.  Might do that today.


I can tell you right now what ticks me off.!~
It is people who let their dogs bark all the time and do nothing about it!  >:(
( my neighbors to be exact..)
We have neighbors on one side that have a Jack Russell that barks until FINALLY they let him back in.. That is right by our bedroom window on the north.. and then on the other side of our windows to the south is the "yipper".
The only reprieve that we get from "the yipper" is when we have the windows closed and the a/c on, or if they do occasionally takes him inside.( there are 3 in the pen)...  which isn't very often.
Can't blame the poor little dog. He is a Pomeranian..  and he is supposed to be an inside dog. But they have put him in the pen with the other dogs and rain or shine and hot or cold, the poor little guy is out there standing at the fence barking.! Lord it is annoying. I have told them to turn off their outside light cause he thinks that they are still up and will bark all night long, and when the pen is about 10 ft from my kitchen window and my bedroom is right beside that.. well... you get my drift.
Then in the old church is the Pyrenees, which the poor thing is tied up all the time ..and when it gets cool, she feels so good that she barks off and on in the night ..
My new house has no dogs close by. Thanks goodness.. Well ...Shery and Curtis Carey have Mattie, but she is old and only goes out to do her business and then she is back inside.

So that is my gripe. It is going to be window open time in a few weeks and then I will have to be listening to dogs half the night.
By October, I will really be ready to change locations.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Am I ever with you on this, Teresa.  For some time now there has been a penned up dog across the alley and north across the street.  Poor thing barks all night.  My bedroom windows are on the north and even through the closed windows, I can hear him.  He didn't bark last night and I think he has gone home with someone.  It is a hunting dog and maybe is just here for hunting.

Rudy Taylor

My big gripe is that I've never made it over to Howard to get one of Teresa's wonderful massages.

Woe is me.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Rudy Taylor on September 04, 2007, 07:25:06 PM
My big gripe is that I've never made it over to Howard to get one of Teresa's wonderful massages.

Woe is me.

Woe is you is right!!  You need to try that out.  It is great.

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