Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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J Lane

To Diane Amberg and all other interested recyclers.

What happens to our recycled materials?

Aluminum cans we crush and truck to Commercial Metals in Independence. Cardboard we bale and store until we have 32 bales or more and then contact a company (name and location not personal knowledge) then they schedule a semi to come pick it up. They deduct trans costs etc. but present the County with a nice check for our efforts.

The balance of the material we collect:  plastics, newspaper, mixed paper, steel cans. magazines, and glass we haul to the area recycling center in El Dorado. And donate to their collection.

I am certain that their facility DOES NOT TOSS IT IN A LANDFILL. I feel certain some enterprising individual has found buyers for alllof the material they have us bring to them, What makes me so sure is the fact that I've witnessed City of El Dorado trash trucks bring material in to off load at the center. I'm not sure of the mechanics of trash collection in El Dorado and how sorting of materials happens, but I am sure they wouldn't waste their time pulling one over on the hicks from Elk Co.

Take the time to sort out your stuff and recycle. It can and will make a difference in our tipping fees and eventually save us as taxpayers money.

Woluldn't it be nice to set up an area recycling center for Elk, Montgomery and Chautauqua Co.s and sell everything we collect? It could happen.


And after it leaves the recycling center, how is it used?  What is it recycled into?  Is it making a difference?

Diane Amberg

 Thank you, CarDad, for that great explaination. You made me feel much better about what's coming. I've never minded taking newspapers and such to the igloos, but we have a lot of elderly here who get really confused about the different kinds of paper, cardboard and plastics. Perhaps there will be a good education program before it's made mandatory. Already we have an increase of people "night dumping" bags of trash along the roads. We also had a huge problem at the end of each semester with the college kids dumping all kinds of mattresses, defunct sofas, bookshelves etc. on the curb. They have come up with a pretty good solution for that. They have a big drop off point at a closed papermill and things are sorted and recycled or sold.  


I am sitting here trying to sort out one soap box topic for today.  It needs to be something other people can relate to, while the only thing I can think of is how down I am feeling.  Not a soap box subject.  What I need is something positive to think about.  So what shall it be?  The new car that I am going to have to go into debt for, the new roof for the house that I have put off for 2 years until the leak is so bad it has ruined a portion of the living room ceiling or the repairs that need to be made on the trailer house since the last tenant moved out.  Ah, there is a topic.

The Irresponsibility of Tenants.  Sometime since my trailer house became a rental the good window shades that were there have been taken out and thrown on the ground.  Ruined of course.  Inside windows have been removed and left leaning against the outside of the trailer.  Don't know yet if they can be put back in.  The curtains that I left at the windows have disappeared.  When the last tenant moved out he left the dryer vent open to the outside.  The utility room floor had to be replaced because of a water leak at the washer.  A dead bolt lock was installed on the front door and the key has never been given to me nor was I  told about it.  Needless to say, the lock and all other locks have been replaced.  And that is only what has been found so far.

When we were renting we took care of the property as if it were our own as we had been taught.  But then we had to provide our own window coverings and floor coverings.  I can understand the wear and tear of day to day living but what I can't understand is if you are going to replace the landlord's property with something of your own, why not store the unwanted property, in a proper manner and let the landlord know about it.  If a repair is needed and the tenant is in the position to know when a repair is needed, why not let the landlord know immediately so it can be done before too much damage has occurred.  And I did ask if there was anything needed at the time the rent was paid.  Needless to say, my trailer house is never again going to be rented outside the family.  First daughter is living there now and when she is through with it, it is going to be sold or set there vacant.

There, now, I have aired my complaints.  What are yours?

Diane Amberg

    I always have an opinion on everything.  But, I too, was a landlord for a time and was very lucky with my tenants. I was very careful to whom I rented. But they can be rough, it's true That's also why I had a last month check up front and a security deposit also. Don't forget, your repairs to your mobile home are deductible and that rent is income for you. Get your roof repaired!! It's the hat for your whole house and will only get worse and more expensive wth time. Do you need a "new" car, or a "new to you"car. Don't forget to check out sales at rental car dealerships when they sell their rental cars. I'm not so sure about leased cars, they may have been " rode hard and put away wet.''  Consumer Reports can be a big help when buying any car, new or used.   Isn't it frustrating when it all hits at once?     


I think that it is my biggest problem.  Everything at once.  The new car will be a new to me car and I think I have found it.  It is just more than I want to make payments on.  And the roof is going to be fixed.  My man will be here tomorrow to give me an estimate and there is no excuse for it getting so bad.  I have known for 4 years that it needed attention.  My biggest problem is me.

Diane Amberg

 I'm so glad you are getting your roof repaired. Maybe the cost won't take your breath away, but I think I should "tsk, tsk" at you for waiting that long. But as they say, they won't fix it when it's raining and it doesn't leak on sunny days. If you think you found a car, then you are 2/3rds of the way there. I mean who needs money anyway?  :D  If you need a hot meal, I think Janet or Teresa will fix you right up.


I do have a reasonable excuse for the roof.  We bought this in 2002, moved our home-away-from-home belongings from the trailer to the house, then in Sept. I had heart surgery.  I can't remember when the roof started leaking, sometime in 2002 or 2003.  We had that fixed, then between my heart surgery and my husband's subsequent illnesses and death we didn't get to actually move in here until June, 2005.  And since the leak wasn't leaking I just didn't give it much thought.  But the heavy rains we have had found their way through the old leak and I can't ignore it any longer.

Diane Amberg

I rewound your time line and took a look.....You are doing very well to even get to it now! Your house will love you for it.


And if you get hungry, Ta Ta and I will cook you a hot meal... ( with a pie)  ;)
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