Soap Box Day Today

Started by Wilma, May 18, 2007, 08:25:38 AM

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Excellent.. and I'm proud of you and all the young mothers (and parents) who are "doing it right"..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

Deveyn-Leann:  Thank you for sharing your story with us.  My best wishes for a peaceful, prosperous life for you and your young family. Young, but obviously, not immature.


Devyn, thank you for your story.  I know that it took a lot of courage and I hope many many teenages get a chance to read it.  It may help them to make the right decision should the need ever arise in their lives.   You are to be commended for your outlook on how to make the best decision for the rest of you life, the life of your child, and making a happy home for all three of you.  These things happen and yes, I got your point.  A lot of people will make "snide" remarks and look down on someone in your situation.  Makes me question the "wisdom" of those teachers in their desire to work with children.  Sorry, folks, those days of "hide em in the closet or lock em in their room" to save face is gone.  This happens in the best of families.   I know you had the support of your family and, Devyn, your "friends" are those who stood by you during your pregnancy and last days of high school and continue to be your friends.  So many would have just quit and gotten their GED.  Good luck with your college education and for your future together.  You deserve much happiness and you already know that life doesn't come easy, but nothing worthwhile does (and I'm sure you've heard that before  ;).

Jo McDonald

May God bless you, always, Devyn, you are a wonderful, strong young woman, that Lane and Billy can both be very proud to call their own.


I know that today is not Friday, but this came to mind and I find that it is bothering me more than I thought.  Besides, I am going to be very busy come Friday and I would probably forget it.

Do you feel as if you have had any say in the selection of your party's presidential nominee?  I don't.  I couldn't attend the infamous caucus and couldn't mark a ballot.  At least with the ballot, if you are unable to get out, you can do a mail in ballot.  I feel that I am being deprived of my right to vote.  My vote might not count for much, might not be counted at all, but at least I would have had the satisfaction of casting it.

How do you feel about it?


Like I am fighting like hell and it doesn't make even a speck on the universe.

I don't trust the automated voting machines and I don't trust that our votes in a small town even make a difference with all the
caucus's and the electorates etc etc... But vote I will... and hope it does make a difference ..somehow..

To say I am scared to death is a mild statement. 
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I do wish they would have a weather contingiency if they insist on holding caucus in February, or at least have caucus a little closer than the 40 miles we had here. I was disappointed that I could not attend due to weather conditions and the 40 miles across narrow icy highway.  :'( :'(

W. Gray

So far, no one has mentioned the injustice or justice surrounding the state of Puerto Rico having more Democrat delegates than 27 Union states, yet Puerto Rico citizens cannot vote in the Presidential election.

Puerto Rico is a state and has been since 1952—complete with governor, legislature, and supreme court--it just has not been admitted to the Union.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Yeah I did Waldo, this mornin when my husband and I were talkin about this stupid election lol
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Rudy Taylor

Count me in with Wilma. The only time "the people" are heard is when we hold a true election. A caucus is still a political party function, and few Americans are involved with such events. Besides, everybody at a caucus knows how you vote, and I don't like that.

That's why there are curtains on election booths.

I also oppose the Electoral College even though it offers advantages for small states. Why should people vote in a presidential election when they see the losing candidate placed in office, as happened in 2000? The name of the candidate doesn't matter to me --- the man or woman with the most votes should take office.

It truly is "a wonderful life."

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