Moline's Plum(b) Street

Started by Flintauqua, May 14, 2007, 10:36:08 PM

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Being a former 36 year resident of, former city councilman of, and step-brother of the city clerk of Moline, I remember many discussions about whether the first street east of Main in Moline was supposed to be spelled "Plum" or "Plumb". 

The argument for "Plum" was that all the other streets to the east of Main had tree names:  Pine, Elm, Maple, Walnut.  I don't remember what the argument for "Plumb" was except that the plats and the old street signs had the "b" on them, some of which had the "b" painted over.

I have discovered a plausible argument for "Plumb".

When Moline was founded, one of Kansas' U.S. Senators was recently elected Preston B. Plumb of Emporia.  You can read more about this relatively unknown important figure in Kansas history at:

Among many other interests of Sen. Plumb was railroad construction, and any U.S. Senator with railroading interests residing in Emporia would be someone for founders of a town wanting a railroad to come to their town from Emporia to curry favor with. 

Thusly, I suggest that Plumb with the "b" is correct!


I can already hear the question coming from Brother Dan. :P

Sen. Plumb's middle initial does not stand for Biddle, Blain, or Blair (the streets in Moline to the west of Main.)

It stands for Bierce, his mother's maiden name. ;)


Ok Here is my take on it. Being the current City Clerk I have been asked this many many many times. I have some very old maps of the city. One of which is has several pages to it showing different areas of down town area and what stores where there at the time. At any rate on this map it has plum with and without the (b). I have looked in our stuff and am still looking to find it.
Anyhow a few years ago one of our City employees repainted the street signs and left off the (b) because it was silent. Okay I'm not naming any names here but that is what his wife said to do. uh huh well then a couple of years ago we ordered new signs and ordered them without the (b) reasoning that somewhere someone had made a typo because of the very reason the rest of the street names going east are tree names. I have notified the utility companies and some of them have changed it and some haven't. But now the appraisers office is in some sort of turmoil because of it. I'm still not sure what the big deal is aside from if we have an ambulance service come from out of town they will be looking for plum the sound since they were given the address verbally. I know that when someone calls 911 that it still comes up at the Sheriff's office on the screen as having the (b). I for one like it without.
I'm not sure about this person from Emporia and the name of Plumb. But that hole scenerio doesn't really make sense. But on the other hand neither does the west of Main street names either. Oh well maybe some day we will get it all figured out. ;D

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