Grenola KS???

Started by cal007, May 12, 2007, 08:57:43 PM

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  Can anyone tell me about grenola ks? I read some thing about the schools they only go 4 days a week do u know why? what Are the jobs like?What is minimum wage?

           Thanks :)   


I believe the students are bused to the Atlanta school.  As far as being a 4 day week, I don't know about that.  As for a job, I think most of the working class have to commute to other towns for employment, or else they're farmers.  Probably a number of retirees living there, also.

Janet Harrington

If you will go to this web link, you can find out about Grenola, Kansas

It is a community of 256 people.  The kids are bused to Burden, Kansas, to attend school.  I do not know anything about a 4 day school week.

Dexter, Kansas has school for 4 days a week.  They say it works fine and they save money.


   Thanks for the info


I asked a few people this morning who knew more about education in the Grenola area, and one person told me that folks had a choice of three places in which they could send their kids to school------Burden, West Elk (Howard) or Cedarvale.  Nevertheless, wherever kids go to school, they have to be bussed!

I know where I live folks have a choice of two school districts, so that means lots of bussing.


Central, at Burden, is on a 4-day school week. Have been for several years. It saves money because they don't have to pay the hourly employees for that one day a week.

West Elk has considered going to a 4-day week, but have NOT chosen that route at this time. Instead, West Elk takes an extra day off each month.


 thanks to all of you for the info. We are moving to grenola from sacramento ca. We have a 5 year old son. We are really looking forward to giving are son a better life. :)


Welcome to the area - this part of Kansas is absolutely beautiful!

Curiosity - how did you pick Grenola?

And . . . keep in touch with us; check in occasionally - I know moving is the pits, but we'll provide a place of rest and friendship and answers.  ;)

Janet Harrington

If you chose to go to the West Elk School District USD 282, your 5 year old will go to school in Moline, Kansas.

If you chose to go to Burden, your child will attend Central of Burden USD 462.

If you chose to go to Cedar Vale, your child will attend Cedar Vale USD 285.

The West Elk School has a grade school at Moline which is about 8 miles from Grenola.

The Central of Burden has a grade school at Burden which is about 17 miles.

Good luck with your move.

I hope you understand that the city of Grenola has a post office, a senior center, and a museum.  There is not a grocery store or a gas station.  Just wanted you to know.


I have read and heard a lot about Grenola and the towns around there, my husband and I just bought a house out there. His mom and dad are also coming with us, so if we don't like it or they don't like it one of us can find another place to live we have never been there.We only know what we have seen on websites but it has to be better that gun shots and cops all night long like out here. We have our son in private school right now. It is a lot of money but I would never put him in public school I do not want him to get into gangs , drugs before he is 13. I am sure there are drugs there also but not as much as out here. I want my son to be a kid as long as he can,I read about kids taking the bus to school out there, I freaked out. I would never let him take the bus out here.
In Sacramento you can watch the news here and listen to the radio and at least two times a month kids get shoot  or the bus driver is getting beat up. I hate California, I was born and raised here and I hate to think sometimes I brought my son into this world, but I know I can find some where that is a safe place for him and my family. Everyone I have talked to back there have been so nice and helpful, here you are lucky if you get a hello.:( I know there is no stores there but we are use to spending most of are time in a car lol. Also we have two boats and are big on camping can someone tell me what lakes they like out there?
                         Lara and Family 


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