Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Waddle?? Did you say 'waddle?
I resemble that remark.

And as far as what is in your litter box..
or pray tell what you DO in your litter absolutely of no concern to me.. ::)


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I've been off the forum too long and missed this. :-\

I'm Mark Thomas Cookson, son of Robert and Christena Cookson. I'm the original Mark Cookson's nephew. :laugh:

I mostly keep to myself and avoid public places as I'm a bit shy but online I do alright. I work for my dad doing the shipping stuff as well as a lot of web design stuff for the business as well. I'm actually starting a sort of split off of the business catering to automotive people getting their car items shipped. Still working on the website but it is

Reason why I'm starting that up is because I absolutely love cars. I'm bad about collecting them and probably have more vehicles in my possession right now than many do in their lifetime... though, most of mine don't work because I'm either working on them or using them for parts. :laugh:

I mostly like modifying them to make them faster. I don't actually drive fast most of the time, I just like accelerating fast. See how fast I can get to the speed limit then stay around there or maybe 5 over. When I take it to the track though, all bets are off... I'll go as fast as I can. I'm currently working on a 1991 Nissan 300ZX swapping a different engine in. It'll will be the first swap of its kind as most consider the engine I'm putting in a "downgrade" to what is already in there but little do they know that its not. I'm also one of, if not the first person to successfully swap a particular manual transmission to one of the older V6's I like working on. Woohoo I feel special!  :laugh: I have quite a few other vehicles that I'm working on but the 300ZX is my baby, it was my dream car for a very long time. My other dream car is yet another Nissan that they only built a few of (maybe even only 1 for the bargain price of $1 million, its still for sale if anyone is interested). My plans are to some day build a replica of it, which is one of my ultimate goals to build a car from scratch.

I original came here with my parents in 2003 after my grandfather had passed away. We wanted to keep the house in the family so bought it off of my grandmother. I was born in Bloomington, IN and lived there till we moved out here. I miss Bloomington and all of my friends from there a lot but call Howard my home. I just recently became engaged to Jeanie Harris. She was born in Nevada, MO (pronounced Neh vay duh... apparently they don't like when its pronounced like the state :laugh: ) and grew up in Chase County, KS. She's an RN working at the nursing home now. We met online and at the time she was working at St. Francis in Wichita but we hit it off rather quickly and she's now living here in Howard. I can't remember if she's registered here on the forum yet or not but as soon as we get internet access at home I'll have her start posting.

We bought a house earlier this year on South Chestnut and absolutely love it. We have two dogs, mine being a Golden Retriever/Australian Shepherd mix named Silvia. She's 5 years old and is fully grown weighing in at about 80 lbs. She's a big goof ball and likes to not listen and bark at everything that moves, except for the wind. She's fun though and I would never want to get rid of her. The other is Jeanie's and is a Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever/Poodle) name Zoe. She's mostly poodle though and is more hyper than a kindergarten class on Coke and Gummy Bears. She has huge paws and is probably going to be even taller than my dog, though not quite as built. A fun and goofy little family though.

Like I said above, when we met we just hit it off. The perfect match. We make each other laugh and if she starts crying I can still make her laugh making her almost incapable of being mad at me. She loves my car hobby and wants to get into it as well so I found her a 1991 Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo project car (just like mine, but twin turbo instead). Current plans are to get married on October 24th, 2009 and to lose lots of weight before then. :laugh:

There's not much more about me that I can think of... I do like a lot of different foods like Japanese, Cajun (looooove crawfish and gator is pretty good too), Chinese, Thai (spring rolls!!), and of course American... can't go without my pizza, steak, and burgers, oh and Poplar's wings (which I think I'm going to have for lunch today). I also enjoy cooking but don't really consider myself very good at it and kind of wish I took some nice cooking classes just so I kind of know the different spices and such I can add to something. I also love music. I listen to a lot of different things, except for rap... I hate rap. Rock new and old, country, some pop type songs, electronic/dance/trance, you may even get lucky and here my listen to some classical type music, and I absolutely love jazz and swing. I used to play the bari sax in high school and when I was in college and jazz band was one of my favorite things to do during those times. Still wish I were playing sometimes. I love laughing and most of the time you'll see me joking around and goofing off. ;D


This is in regard to what Tobina said back in June.  If we would just stay on the tread instead of having a chat line on every subject is would be easier to keep the subject going on the orginal topic. If you want to chat back and forth. Then everyone needs to put their email address in their profile so you can chat so the rest of us do not have read something that has nothing to do with the thread. then if you what to search for something it is easier to find. 
Maude and her sister Maxine


Well Maude, staying on topic, I don't think you have introduced yourself.


I have just spent the better part of 2 hrs. reading this thread from square one.  Some very interesting things are to be found here.   Some interesting posting by those who have.  How 'bout it folks ?? If you haven't told us about yourself, if you care to, would you please tell us your Elk County ties, if you have any, and otherwise, just tell us a bit about you, your family, etc.


Stay with it, Flo.  Maybe we can get more members to tell us about themselves.  Do you think putting a reminder on each thread would help?


You want to know about me?  ;D ;D ;D
RATS!!  I didn't think so........

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



You will be back???  You better never have left, Teresa...I count on you for my daily dose of happy!  :laugh:


Hi!  I am a new member but have been reading the forum for quite some time.  I am flo's youngest daughter.  I was a member of the first class to graduate out of the new high school.  I live in Emporia now and have 1 daughter and 3 grandchildren.  I work for Indiana University and for the hospital here in Emporia so between the grandkids and 2 jobs I stay pretty busy.  I enjoy doing anything outdoors be it fishing or going to garage sales (my house is decorated in early american garage sale and I have been referred to as the garage sale queen but hey, why pay full price if ya don't have to?  LOL).  I do have an opinion about most things but will try to keep them to myself for the most part, but I am a Smith and we have never been known for keeping our mouths shut.  I think we may get that from mom!!!!!!!  I also enjoy going to the casino once in a while and playing blackjack.  Right now I have no pets, but someone will probably sucker me into getting another one before long.

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