Anyone tired of mud yet?

Started by Sarah, May 02, 2007, 11:43:24 AM

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I know we need the rain and I appreciate it and my tomato plants really appreciate it, but I am getting a little weary of the mud.  I've got as much mud inside my house as out.  sigh
And the kids come in leaving little muddy foot prints.  I can tell exactly what path they took as they came into the house.  Makes me tempted to concrete my entire yard.  LOL


I know I am. We barely have any grass in our yard, still...Our house has been here a little over a year now. Just mud with a lil grass here and there.

I've got to go to town to deliver some Tupperware orders, but I'm not brave enough to drive in the nasty mud. So I've got to wait til tonight when Billy can take me in his four-wheel drive diesel truck! My mom came out yesterday in her car and slid sideways in the road and about ended up in the ditch because it was so muddy.

Yuck, I hate it.


Quote from: CrumCowgirlMama on May 02, 2007, 12:00:37 PM
I know I am. We barely have any grass in our yard, still...Our house has been here a little over a year now. Just mud with a lil grass here and there.

I've got to go to town to deliver some Tupperware orders, but I'm not brave enough to drive in the nasty mud. So I've got to wait til tonight when Billy can take me in his four-wheel drive diesel truck! My mom came out yesterday in her car and slid sideways in the road and about ended up in the ditch because it was so muddy.

Yuck, I hate it.

we finished our house 3 years ago and we still can't get hardly any grass to grow.  LOL  Maybe if I could keep the kids off of it it might have a chance of growing.  I have definately learned that pig boots are an absolute necessity out here!  LOL 
I haven't driven the roads yet, but I have to haul water this afternoon, so I'll probaby get my chance.  Oh boy. 


You girls are spoiled.  My mother lived out there for 38 years and my father and a neighbor to the south of him, drove out every day to go to work at Beech.

Let me tell you about that mud.  Early in 1948 there was a lot of rain.  A friend of mine who happened to be a cheer leader, had come home from school with me and my brother and we were planning to go back to Piedmont to go to the basketball tournament in Eureka.  When it came time to start back, our car wouldn't start.  Daddy pulled it with the tractor to try to start it, but the ground was so wet that when my brother would throw it into gear it would just sink down into the mud.  They made ruts across the back yard.  Since they couldn't get the car started, my brother started walking (we didn't have a telephone out there).  When he got to Fred Raders (a half mile north of you, Sarah) they gave him a ride into town.  My friend and I didn't start walking at the same time so they were gone by the time we got there, but another mile north was the home of another friend and they took us on in to Piedmont just in time to catch the makeshift bus to Eureka.

Enroute to Eureka, via dirt road, the driver slid a little bit, hit the ridge at the side of the road and turned us over.  Fortunately for us, another friend came along in his car, with his brother and their dates, and took my girl friend and me to the hospital to be checked out, then on to the basketball game.  We got there after our game had started, but before it was over.  I don't think Piedmont won.  Everyone was concerned because they had heard that the bus had turned over.

Yes, I am tired of this mud, but I am still remembering last summer when it was so dry that I was complaining about it not raining.


Quote from: Wilma on May 02, 2007, 12:39:38 PM
You girls are spoiled.  My mother lived out there for 38 years and my father and a neighbor to the south of him, drove out every day to go to work at Beech.

Let me tell you about that mud.  Early in 1948 there was a lot of rain.  A friend of mine who happened to be a cheer leader, had come home from school with me and my brother and we were planning to go back to Piedmont to go to the basketball tournament in Eureka.  When it came time to start back, our car wouldn't start.  Daddy pulled it with the tractor to try to start it, but the ground was so wet that when my brother would throw it into gear it would just sink down into the mud.  They made ruts across the back yard.  Since they couldn't get the car started, my brother started walking (we didn't have a telephone out there).  When he got to Fred Raders (a half mile north of you, Sarah) they gave him a ride into town.  My friend and I didn't start walking at the same time so they were gone by the time we got there, but another mile north was the home of another friend and they took us on in to Piedmont just in time to catch the makeshift bus to Eureka.

Enroute to Eureka, via dirt road, the driver slid a little bit, hit the ridge at the side of the road and turned us over.  Fortunately for us, another friend came along in his car, with his brother and their dates, and took my girl friend and me to the hospital to be checked out, then on to the basketball game.  We got there after our game had started, but before it was over.  I don't think Piedmont won.  Everyone was concerned because they had heard that the bus had turned over.

Yes, I am tired of this mud, but I am still remembering last summer when it was so dry that I was complaining about it not raining.

Oh I know we need the rain!!  It was so dry last summer!  But I am a little tired of little muddy foot prints.  Actually, come to think of it, my husband is just as bad.   :P
I'm thankful for the rain, just not the mud.   ;D


It isn't just the little ones that track in.  You should see the prints Janet leaves on my carpet sometimes.  I am lucky, though.  As soon as they dry, I can vacuum it right up.


I'm terrified that we will have all this rain right now and not a drop come this summer. Our hay crop was terrible last summer, maybe it will be better this year with all the rain & snow we've received. The brome field in front of our house sure looks good though.  :)


And Wilma, I like the story about the school bus. That would have scared me to death! I have gone off the road and into the ditch on this road (Road 14) twice when it's muddy. Luckily, it was never very serious. But it was mainly because I was driving too fast...Billy calls me the speed queen. But since I've had Lane, I've learned to sloooow down!


Quote from: Wilma on May 02, 2007, 12:39:38 PM
Yes, I am tired of this mud, but I am still remembering last summer when it was so dry that I was complaining about it not raining.

Every time I start to complain I remind myself of how many hours I spent watering the garden last spring and summer  >:( but it doesn't work, I am tired of the rain and mud I want to walk out to feed the animals without sinking in mud to my knees  :'(  I want to sit out on the front porch with my afternoon tea and enjoy watching the llamas play instead if seeing them hiding in the shed trying to keep dry, and see the humming birds feed and smell the flowers. I want to mop my kitchen floor and not have mud tracked across it 5 minutes later.
Well thats my moan for today


Yes, I, too, am tired of the rain.  I have plants I want to set out but it is too wet to handle the earth.  By the time it gets dry enough, it will be dry the rest of the summer.  And I have been wanting to take a drive out through the old country side,(out your way, Sarah) just to see how it looks, but I don't want to be on those roads while they are wet.  Wonder why it didn't bother me when I was young.

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