The activity going on in Howard

Started by Janet Harrington, June 08, 2005, 08:35:54 PM

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Janet Harrington

Monday through Friday, I come back from Fredonia and drive through the business district to see what might be happening.  I have noticed that the Cookson computer moving gang is now in their new building, the old grocery store.  I have noticed that Batson's Drugstore has added more groceries, which is great.  Cookson's Hardware is open, of course.  Poplar is open.  Lannings is open.  Farm Bureau and Marla WAre might be open, but not much else is going on.  Sad.

I miss the old days, I mean the really od days, when I was in high school and main street would be busy with cars driving around and around, making the U-turns that we used to be able to do, car after car after car.  No one could back out from the curb unless someone felt sorry for you.  The Plaza Theatre showing movies, good movies.  Loved going to the movies on Saturday night that I didn't have to work at Mary and Gene's drive in at Severy.

Anyway, I miss our town.  Too bad it seems to be dying. 


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 08, 2005, 08:35:54 PM

I miss the old days, I mean the really od days, when I was in high school and main street would be busy with cars driving around and around, making the U-turns that we used to be able to do, car after car after car.

They had cars back then ??? ???


I kill myself sometimes.

Yes, the Cookson computer gang did relocate to the old grocery store.  For future reference, the business is called PackPro.  Sounds more professional than the CCG (Cookson computer gang)

Sounds like the Dr. office will open soon also.  Now that the CCG is out of the restaurant, maybe someone who is a good cook will come in and try their hand at the restaurant business.  It would be nice to have another option for dining in town. 


Did someone say ""Good Cook?""
  Ummmmm that'd be me....(not bragging ..just fact)
Dang, I wish I wanted to make LOTS of time for a cafe... I would love to do that...
But I just want to cook and serve people my food.. I don't want to have to be there and married to it 7 days a week. Unfortunetly, it just don't work like that.
I give Brian Miller ( Poplars) a huge amount of respect and thanks ...for that man has given a whole lot to this community with his yummy good food and wonderful service.
We are very very lucky to have him and Mary Jo in our small town..
And we are just as fortunate and lucky this past 25 years to have Cookson's Hardware with the extra extra extra extra smart Mark and Derek here to take care of everyone's needs in the hardware and everything else under the sun, departments.
I realize that they are my family.. but no one can dispute that they are truly "Jack Of All Trades and Masters Of All .

**But I miss the old days too...soooo soooo much**

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

We also have to give credit to Toots, because when NO ONE ELSE IS OPEN, Toots is.  YEAH TOOTS.


yes you are right.....

I should have added them too.. because they have been here for Howard for many many many years....

Toots & Poplar for helping us keep our figures plump and our faces happy..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

  I MISS HOWARD    wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--sniff sniff--snaffle   cough  wwwaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Even though we love what we are doing and have made many, many GOOD friends - I do get so homesick sometimes.


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