Lois and the Genealogy Board

Started by Teresa, April 09, 2007, 07:02:38 PM

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Ms Bear

Lois and Janet, among others have found genealogy information and obituaries that I probably would never have found on my own and all of you have given me some insight into what my father's families were like when he was very young.  He never talked very much about his family and since he was only two or three when the family moved to NW Kansas he didn't know much aobut the ones that stayed in the Howard area.

I feel like I have made friends through the posts from everyone, I have to read it daily and don't post very often but have had a lot of smiles from reading it.  Hope everyone continues to contribute and I am hoping that I may get to come to Elk County for a visit this summer.  Hope to meet all of you when I do.

Ms Bear

Roma Jean Turner

I'll add my thanks!!!   I so enjoy feeling a contact with Elk County and being able to share some
of my family things and see yours.  Although I haven't been very active recently, I will get  back into the research and pictures soon. Your work and dedication is really paying off for us all Lois!!!! Thanks


While I don't have any familial ties to Elk County, I have done a bit of genealogical work on my own family tree and know the time and effort involved. So, Lois, I salute you for your dedicated efforts to providing this information to those interested in knowing more about their roots. Thank you, and keep up the great work! You are providing an invaluable service and you are greatly appreciated.

(These thanks, by extension, also go to Janet for the Obituaries thread, another important resource for those researching their genealogy. Thank you, Janet!)


Hello, forum members!  :)  I've been taking a much needed vacation, but decided to drop in and see what was goin' on.  I want to say a big "thank you" to those that posted their kind thoughts and words of encouragement.  :) :)   Yes, being moderator of the genealogy board does involve countless hours of research and posting............but it's what I do best. :laugh:

I've been spending time on the "home front" and Don's a happy man!  :laugh: :laugh: Will probably be back on the forum sometime next week. :)


Well let me be the first to tell you ...
Happy Home Fronting...
and take some time to relax.......

Will enjoy seeing you back on the forum... maybe this time for awhile to just chat and talk "random" stuff...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

I just want to know something, Ms. T.  Where in the world do you get all of those characters that you use on your posts?  I want to use them, too.  Please, please, please share with us.


I would if I could, but I don't know if I am smart enough to tell you how to use them.
The animations that I am using are ones that I personally made off of different places, and Kjell incorporated them into the non public part of the inner part of this forum. I think you can maybe right click on the animation off my post and see if you can get the properties off of it and then highlight it ..copy and paste it into a new reply box, and then paste..highlight it again... and go up to the "insert image" icon and click on that.

Actually that is what I do off of the list that I have.
Confusing , I know. Maybe I can send them all to you somehow..
I will have to check with the guru.
We are in St Louis right now at the NRA Convention, but I will try to remember to look into it when I get home.
( But don't hold your breath)... ::)
I am more than a little scatter battle rattled..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

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