Lois and the Genealogy Board

Started by Teresa, April 09, 2007, 07:02:38 PM

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Since the Genealogy Board is resting for awhile, I will write this. I should have written it a long time ago, and I really have thought about it a lot,, but just haven't taken the time to do it.
I could do it by phone or by e-mail, but I won't . I think that everyone should hear this.

Before you joined the forum, Kjell and I were almost ready to close it down..
We could build it, but to keep it alive without any interest in help from the members.. it looked to be a lost cause.
I had tried everything I could think of to get more members interested in coming in and chatting on a daily basis..
I wanted it to be like getting together for coffee uptown, but doing it in the forum here....
But it seemed that only a handful were making the effort to post anything at all.

We hated to close the website down but it just seemed like no one really cared.
( Lois, I know that there was a moment or 2 that you dealt with the same thing that we dealt with)..but you decided to hang in there..as we did.

I think that "you" are the reason that the forum made the turn around and members picked up and finally  joined in and started posting and chatting and talking.
Your Genealogy board and the suggestion to have the Obituary's, proved to be a marvelous door opener for lots of people. For that I give you a huge bow and a hearty THANK YOU!
I think we have now a great place to come in and share all kinds of things.. Questions about all subjects.. laughter, serious stufff and ...welll... just plain fun and a great meeting place.

Now I am not trying to take anything away from all of you who help in many many other ways..
No Sireee..
All of you who post and gather up new people and keep this forum alive are heros too. It takes everyone's constant posting and helping newcomers get started and a multitude of other ways to make a place like this successful. And not just once a week or once a month.. But a little bit every day. And you all do a wonderful job, and I hope you are enjoying it and having fun and most of all... making friends. I like that part the best!

And you know something else?

We may not be the biggest fish in the pan, but we sure are some of the liveliest. And I am so proud of all of you and I just want to say thanks and that without each and every one of you... this forum would not be here today.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington


Thanks TaTa for being a moderator on the Obituary board. To be in charge of a board is a pain in the pa-tootie, I know.. and I want you to know that I appreciate it.. You are doing a bang up fan-tabulous job..

(( Plllususeeaaaseee dear Lord.. don't let all that nice stuff I said to her make her hard to be around.. You KNOW how she gets. So Plleassseeee don't let me have to listen to how "wonderful" she is and how "smart " she is.. and ..and... Ohhhh you know~~~
Thank you..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You said it, Ms. T.  Janet is fabulous, wonderful, smart, caring and all the other complimentary adjectives you can think of.  But then, I am her mother and what do I know.

I do know that you are right about this Forum being a marvelous place to be.  We have  a variety of people furnishing us with information that very well could have been lost.  We can get any kind of a question answered.  We can poke fun.  I could probably go on all night on this subject, too, but I have a book I want to read and 2 baseball games going.  No basketball tonight.  So I am off for awhile, but don't you dare talk about me while I am gone.


Quote from: Wilma on April 09, 2007, 07:26:09 PM
  So I am off for awhile, but don't you dare talk about me while I am gone.

Not me Mama Wilma.. huh-uh
I never talk about you....

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington


Quote from: Teresa on April 09, 2007, 07:09:48 PM
(( Plllususeeaaaseee dear Lord.. don't let all that nice stuff I said to her make her hard to be around.. You KNOW how she gets. So Plleassseeee don't let me have to listen to how "wonderful" she is and how "smart " she is.. and ..and... Ohhhh you know~~~
Thank you..

Aha.  I knew you liked me.


I would like to throw my two cents in here with a large thank you as well. This forum is a marvelous place and the worker bees who tend and maintain it are true community heroes. Again, thank you for all you do.


Teresa said:
Quote"I think that "you" are the reason that the forum made the turn around and members picked up and finally  joined in and started posting and chatting and talking."   ...   "I think we have now a great place to come in and share all kinds of things.. Questions about all subjects.. laughter, serious stufff and ...welll... just plain fun and a great meeting place. "

Lois, here's a big THANK YOU from Marty & me too.  We love reading the geneology board and check it daily like our email to see what's new...  or what's old...  you know...  Anyway, thanks for all the work you put in!  It is appreciated.

Dee Gee

Thank you Lois, the Genealogy Board and Obituaries are the reason I have joined this forum.  If these boards there I would be just a lurker and never post anything.  I do enjoy the coffee shop portion but the other boards are the one that I am interested in.  So thank you LOis for all the work you do in researching and posting on these boards.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Amen to all that has been said. Ruthie and I joined on because of the boards and got hooked in. I have it minimized on my computer at work all day. Just because we don't post much, be sure that we are still there. Thanks to all those that can and do post interesting items.


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