Ten Commandments of Cell Phone Etiquette

Started by genealogynut, April 02, 2007, 07:45:23 AM

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Dee Gee

I agree with this writer but how can you get the cell phone users to obey the commandments.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


How about breaking their fingers for every violation???  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Personally, what makes me angry is to see some ignorant person out there on the roadway, with a cell phone up to their ear, and waving their other hand around making gestures, and no hand on the wheel.  I'm too chicken (scared) to do much driving these days with all those "cell phone nuts" running on the loose out there.

I had a personal experience in Wal-Mart some months back with a woman who didn't think she could shop without a cell phone up to her ear...............she was so rude!!!!!!  >:( >:(

Cell phones are great, if they are not abused, and used  appropriately, and courteously.  But there definetely needs to be limits!  We cannot figure out what could be so important, that cannot wait until they pull over to the side of the roadway, or wait until they get home.  After all, they did a few years ago, before they bought their cell phone.  I'm sure there are many thousands of people that work in the service sector,serving the public, that would just love to take those cell phones and stomp on them!!!!


I agree with all of the above.  I can honestly say that I am innocent of all charges.  I don't own a cell phone.  Have no desire to own a cell phone and wouldn't know how to use it if I did own a cell phone.  But I do like for whoever I am with to have one.  Makes me feel a little more secure when away from home.


Don & I used to have a cell phone, and it was great to have one as we traveled the highways, and we did need to use it a time or two (auto break down)  It's a great security tool.  But the abuse has gotten way out of hand.  But never did the driver of our car use it while they were doing the actual driving.


My Dad (who is old enough to get away with stuff)  answers people talking on cell phone's in public places.  I was out with him for lunch one day a couple of years ago when the person (sitting alone) at the table next to us said hello my Dad smiled at him and said hello back, the guy said how are you and Dad told him fine thank you for asking, the guy pointed at his phone and scowled at Dad who smiled again at the guy and asked him how he was doing. This went on for a few moments and then the guy told whoever he was talking to that he would have to call them back later when he was outside. He finished his lunch and was dialing his phone on the way out of the resturant. Dad was unrepepentant. Said he was tired of listening to other peoples loud one sided conversations and he was doing his part to make it go away.


Good for your Dad.  Wish I could think of things like that when the occasion calls for it.

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