What do you do?

Started by Wilma, March 30, 2007, 08:01:28 AM

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What do you do when you have a job to do that you don't want to do?  This is what I have done so far this morning to keep from starting the vacuum sweeper.

The dishwasher is running.  I even remembered to put the coffee pot in.
I have played several games of solitaire to see if I can buy a lottery ticket today.
I was going to start a load of clothes but Bud was sitting on the hamper and I couldn't get into it.
I have considered carrying my house plants out to the back porch for the summer, but it might be a bit too early yet.
I have a favorite CD playing.
I have watched the dark clouds out in the west, wondering if they were coming my way.
I have admired the apple tree that is blooming right outside my bedroom window and wished the sun were shining on it.  I could maybe get a good picture through the window.
I have estimated how many tulip bulbs it would take to plant a strip out front, 3 rows deep.
I have thought about finishing the pair of pants that I have been working on for 3 weeks now.
I have started a new book that I could be reading.
I have sat at the east window and wished I had a sprig of the lilac that is blooming across the alley.
I have just about run out of excuses, so maybe, just maybe, I will go do the vacuuming.  Who knows, maybe the old thing won't start.


Oh MW...( that is short for Mama Wilma  ::))
That's just so cute and what's more, I love the way that you see all the
wonderful positive things about getting out of sweeping..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thank you, MS. T, but even I, the great procrastinator, runs out of excuses after awhile.


I must have the same problem as you Wilma!

I should be sewing up Billy's ripped jeans, the third pair this week! But the sewing machine is in the same room as the computer, and I look at it and think "Well, I'll just check the forum." That was an hour ago!

I connected to the internet, and Lane started fussing. So we went out and checked on the dogs...looked up at the dark clouds. Dumped out the rain guage.

We came back in, folded some laundry. Watched Sesame Street. I logged into Tupperware, put in some new orders. And here I am. The jeans are still not sewn.

It's going to be a long day.


Good girl, you are learning fast.


Haha, wouldn't you know...The jeans are still laying here, not sewn. Not ready for wearing. So, after I posted yesterday, I decided to run into town and visit my grandma and my aunt who is home from Iowa. Grandpa took the boys all fishing. So we visited for a bit, and then I went to see my mother. She was getting ready to take my sisters to Wichita for prom dresses. The begged me to go with them, but I absolutely hate shopping. Especially at the mall. Then, mom decided she didn't want to go as she has been coming down with a cold. The twins asked if I could drive them. Soooo, guess who ended up taking two 18 year old girls to Wichita for prom dresses on the rainiest day of the week? ME! It actually wasn't too bad. Until we were leaving Wichita and it started storming terribly. We finally reached Leon, about a mile away from Kistler's station when I decided to pull over, I couldn't see anything and the wind was carrying on and blowing so hard. We finally made it home a quarter til 8. What a day!

So today, the jeans will be sewn, the kitchen floor mopped, and the bathrooms cleaned. No slacking today, and definitly no shopping trips.

Hope everyone has a terrific Saturday!


That has to be the ultimate way of getting out of doing something.  But wasn't it fun being with your sisters?


It was very fun being with my sisters. I always love spending time with them, they are my best friends. Lane, on the other hand, does not like to ride in the stroller. So, we had to keep him happy. The twins finally found their dresses, and at a bargain price! I know they will look beautiful. Lindsey picked out a champagne colored strapless long dress, while Laura went for a short almost rust colored with gold polka dots, it is ruffled at the bottom. She wants to go for an Audrey Hepburn look. I'm glad I don't have to worry about prom anymore. Unless someday Lane has a sister.


I am sure the girls will be beautiful in their dresses.  Kinda wish I could see them.  How about some pictures when the time comes?


When I have a job to do, that I do not want to do.........I PROCRASTINATE. I find everything else to do, that I enjoy doing, unless it's something really pressing and needs immediate attention.   I'm at the age where I have the attitude of "Who cares, anyway?"  I put things off until "tomorrow" and then if my "tomorrow" doesn't come, then I won't have to do it.  And I have plenty of things that I enjoy doing......so what I've procrastinated about can just wait awhile longer.

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