The Importance Of The Right To Keep And Bear . . . .

Started by Wake-up!, August 01, 2021, 03:02:58 PM

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Strong and honest words from Gary Barnett in remote, rural Montana.

"By hiding from the truth, the herd does not seek to understand what is actually happening around them, but concentrates only on their local, immediate, and present circumstances, while ignoring all the signs of impending doom that are brutally obvious to any thinking individual. In doing so, the spectre of tyranny grows ever faster, and without enough resistance to stop the premeditated onslaught against the common people.

The people of this country falsely called the "united states" has one great advantage over most others on earth, but fails to see their favored position due to ignorance and brainwashing over time. That advantage is that the people of this country still have many guns to defend themselves against the terror that is the 'State;' that 'State' that is continuously at war against its own people. It is not the active use of guns and bullets that is so important, but the threat, capability, and willingness to do so is certainly enough to halt the advancing totalitarian policies of the ruling class. They are all cowards after all. They are the few, while the people are the many, and being armed is the best protection against tyrannical behavior by evil and corrupt governments. The people in most countries around the world have been forcibly (or more likely, voluntarily) disarmed, and are at much greater risk than Americans today. That is why the most restrictive, regulated, and heinous policies are being advanced faster in other parts of the world, but it will all be here very soon if this society allows it. If U.S. citizens did not have guns, it would be no different now here than in Canada, Australia, China, the United Kingdom and much of Europe, and many other places around the globe. This is why it is imperative for Americans to understand that everything going on in these captured societies is coming here soon, so watching the world around you is of great importance. It is also necessary to listen to the controlling political class in this country that is constantly attempting to capture and control arms and ammunition, with the future aim of eliminating all gun ownership here just as has already happened across the globe. The only reason we are not already living in a total dictatorial society is because we have the armed capability to stop this government's attempts to create a totalitarian master/slave nation."

Here is the rest of his commentary on the importance of the 2nd Amendment today and tomorrow;

[100 million Americans own between 400 and 500 million firearms, and an unknown amount of ammunition. The entire domestic military, the armed FBI, CIA, ICE, Secret Service, other armed Feds like the Forest Circus, State Troopers, State versions of FBI, County deputies, and City police total about 3 million. They have about 4 million firearms. Yes, they also have drones, helicopters, fully automatic weapons, etc. But Barnett speaks the truth when he says the power lies with the people, even if only half the armed Americans are willing to draw a line in the sand.]

Here is one armed American's viewpoint;

[He has drawn a line in the sand. Trouble is brewing. The Left is elevating the 'game' beyond just words.]
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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