Hear The Chimes Of Freedom?

Started by Wake-up!, May 13, 2021, 03:42:14 PM

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Becky Akers writes at Lewrockwell.com >

Congrats to Montanans! They are officially breathing free as of last Friday, when the governor "signed a bill into law putting a hard damper on county/city/local government ability to interfere in the relationship between businesses and their customers," according to Roger Mitchell, who sent this happy news. The legislation "invalidat[es] city and county mask mandates and capacity restrictions created by health officers and city leaders..."

That's a start. But until we abolish those Marxist critters known as "Public Health bureaus," they'll continue to eviscerate freedom a la this past year. Drive a stake through their hearts (if any they have) and be done with it.

Meanwhile, neighboring Wyoming "joins other states including Alabama, Minnesota, South Carolina, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Montana, Texas and South Dakota that have all either passed legislation or issued orders to prevent mandatory vaccinations or COVID passport schemes." Thanks to Monnie for alerting me to another heartening story.

[They aren't chiming here as Kansas twiddles it's thumbs. What's new? We have a Socialist Democrat Governor, and a handful that will oppose her are neocon pro-Trumpsters. When was the last time Kansas had a governor that put its residents' Rights and freedom first?]
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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