A Prominent Libertarian Says Georgia Libs MUST Support Trump

Started by Wake-up!, December 07, 2020, 11:09:24 PM

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The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


Here are Wake-up!'s thoughts on Block's viewpoint.

From Walter Block's libertarian viewpoint it is imperative that the Republicans hold the senate. Fortunately, other libertarian viewpoints exist. Here is another one for libertarian (and republican) voters in Georgia to consider.

It is NOT imperative that republicans hold the senate. Furthermore, it is NOT imperative that Trump win re-election.

Here is a quote found on the internet; "Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." The quote was credited to Bastiat close to two hundred years ago. The credit may be true or not, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that the statement is oh so true.

So why support the existence of government in this election any more than previous elections? Why support the political process that perpetuates government? Is Trump, with or without the senate, going to radically change government to a libertarian's favor? In the frustrating pursuit of freedom by libertarians the past fifty years, what significant difference will one Supreme Court justice make?

My answers to the above questions are; no reason, no reason, no, and none. The political process will never walk back all the distortions made to the Constitution over the years. In fact, the trend is the opposite as we all know, there is more disregard for the Constitution in almost every election cycle. I will state what every anarcho-capitalist knows in his or her heart, "The Federal government is the enemy of the people. It must be brought to its knees and eliminated." That is the only solution to saving freedom, preserving unalienable Rights, and following Natural Law. And yes, we can deal with the abusive State governments later.

In that light, I say the best path forward for libertarians is to support more socialism in our country. What the h...? Folks, there is no going back. The fastest path to freedom is to support policies that will speed the death of the cancer that the USA has become. That means we need to support more big government spending, more industry bailouts and subsidies, more Covid relief money, more money for the military, and additional funding for whatever new subsidies and government takeovers the socialist democrats come up with, including guaranteed income and 'free' medicine. Yes, we can spend this country into dissolution.  And we should.

Let the USA crash and burn just like the USSR did. Out of the ashes will come a new uSA (lower case is not a typo), and just maybe, where there are enough ardent freedom lovers, a few Free States will organize, no union needed. You bet that effort will require risk and sacrifice on everyone's part. How many millions of people took that risk and sacrifice searching for freedom from the early 1600s to 1776? Should we do anything less? Today, we do not have to risk dying in a sailboat in the middle of the Atlantic while traveling to an unknown land. We do not have an unknown land to travel to. But we can take the risk to start over where we live. In fact, we must take that risk.

For those libertarian skeptics, I point to the following short video, courtesy of the DoD;  .  Note that this video was produced before Trump was elected. One website claims it was produced as a training film.

I suggest libertarians memorize the following excerpt from its narrative, as a reminder of what government foresees, "By 2030 urban areas are expected to grow by 1.4 billion, with that growth occurring almost entirely in the developing world. Cities will account for 60% of the world's population, and 70% of the world's GDP. The urban environment will be the locus where the drivers of instability will converge. It is the domain (?) that by the year 2030 60% of the urban dwellers will be under eighteen. The cities that grow the fastest will be the most challenged, as resources become constrained and illicit networks fill the gap left by over extended and under capitalized government."

Of course the government's response to those conditions is a promised state of martial law, as the video describes. Freedom does not play in government's design for the near future.

It is time for the good folks of Georgia to vote democratic. It is time to limit Trump's power, and hopefully end his Presidency. Socialist Democrats' addiction to unlimited spending will speed our movement toward freedom more than any other efforts. We can live at the expense of everyone else until the government folds. Let's make it so.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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