EL Trumpo Campaign Poll

Started by Wake-up!, August 24, 2020, 09:36:03 AM

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Below is El Trumpo's latest 'poll', sent by email to fools like me who like to answer the ones that provide space for my thoughts. This one does not do that, it is just check YES or NO. Like life is full of absolutes for the herd mentality to follow, huh?

Regardless, the questions posed suggest what his 2020-2024 agenda is, and what we might hear him talk about in the supposed debates (if we choose to listen). Take the poll, it's fun.

[My cynical and skeptical comments are in italicized brackets. Beg to differ.]

  1  Do you approve of President Trump's second-term agenda?
        [Not entirely to hardly at all, if that is a difference.]   
2   Do you trust President Trump to bring back 10 MILLION jobs in 10 months?
        [Not unless El Trumpo eliminates a lot of over regulation of business.]
3   Do you approve of President Trump's "made in America" tax credits?
       [How about simple tax elimination across the board, speaking of over regulation?]
4    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to eradicate the Coronavirus?
        Yes - [Yes, I'm glad he honored the 10th amendment to a large degree.]
        No - [He never should have allowed Fauci to speak as if he represented a unified position. The Nation needs to hear from private practice physicians more than from 'expert' policy makers.]
5    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to refill stockpiles to prepare for future pandemics?
        No - [This is not a Constitutional function of the federal government. It is the responsibility of State governments, businesses, individuals, and families to prepare. An unregulated free market will provide the fastest and most diverse response to crises.]
6   Do you agree with President Trump that we need to END America's reliance on China?
        [We need to quit making China the bad boy in the playground. We need to trade with them. The Chinese people need to trade with us. Stand back, end trade agreements and tariffs and let us all trade freely. Quit politicizing our economies.]
7    Do you believe President Trump can bring back 1 MILLION manufacturing jobs from China?
        Yes - [It isn't a matter of bringing back, it is a matter of creating more job opportunity in this country. And that is a matter of ending restrictive regulations.]
8    Do you agree with President Trump that we must hold China accountable for allowing the Coronavirus to spread around the world?
        No - [Quit making China the bogeyman. The flu is NOT China's fault. The flu has CIA, MI6, Mossad, GRU, and MSS fingerprints all over it. At one time four strains of weaponized Coronavirus were researched and stored at Ft. Detrick, Maryland. Quit lying to the public like the usual politicians.]
9    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to cut prescription drug prices?
        Yes - [Just deregulate the dang industry, and let competition, innovation, and demand set prices.]
10    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to lower healthcare insurance premiums?
        [I don't know. Is it being done with another layer of regulation, or by removing regulations?]
11    Do you agree with President Trump that pre-existing conditions should be covered?
        Yes - [Even a skeptic has to agree once in a while.]
12    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to protect Social Security and Medicare?
        Yes - [Only in the short term. The long term solution is to privatize both, and make enrollment voluntary.]
13    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to provide world-class healthcare and services to our Nation's veterans?
        No [By God, I use those services and they are terrible!! I could write pages. In short, the VA Health Care is no more than over-regulated illness management. It is the perfect candidate to be privatized by enrolling all Vets in the so-called Community Care Plan for everything, including prescriptions, and just have the VA do what they promised us, pay our medical costs. If a local State-approved physician orders it, pay for it. It's a no-brainer, so to speak. All the VA needs to be is a disbursing office and millions of dollars can be saved in health care costs by eliminating the VA infrastructure and a lot of bureaucratic desks.]
14    Do you agree with President Trump that School Choice should be available to every child in America?
        Yes - [The choice belongs to parents, not government.]
        No - [The Constitution does not give the federal government any say in this. It is up to the States. That means NO federal regulation, NO federal money.]
15    Do you agree with President Trump that we must Drain the Swamp?
        Yes - [BY ALL MEANS,  including the swamp he has gathered around him.]
16    Do you agree with President Trump that there should be Congressional term limits?
        Yes - [Yes]
17    Do you agree with President Trump that we must expose Washington's money trail and delegate powers back to the People and states?
        Yes - [What BS is this? EL Trumpo believes this?? Wouldn't it be nice? He won't do it. It's hot air during the campaign.]
18    Do you agree that we must DEFEND our great police?
        No - [Not the ones the put their knees on a guy's neck until he dies. Not the ones who honor some code of blue and look the other way while that is happening. Not the ones that break down doors at 2AM at the wrong house and kill an innocent man or woman trying to defend themselves. Not the ones that enforce victimless crimes like pot smoking and seat belts. Not the ones who look the otherway at spousal abuse.]
19    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to fully fund and hire more police and law enforcement officers?
        No - [The Constitution does not provide for this. It is a State function.]
20    Do you agree with President Trump that we must increase penalties for assaults on law enforcement officers?
        [Please define assault. Please make it the same definition for LEOs assaulting citizens. Then make it the same penalty.]
21    Do you approve of President Trump's agenda to prosecute drive-by shootings as acts of domestic terrorism?
        No - [IMO, domestic terrorism laws venture too far into military law controlling civilian life.]
22    Do you approve of President Trump's agenda to bring violent extremist groups, like ANTIFA to justice?
        Yes - [As long as Constitutional law is followed. That does not mean by EO or by military tribunal.]
23    Do you approve of President Trump's agenda to END illegal immigration and protect American workers?
        Yes - [Want in to work? Get a Visa, then get a job. Or get a sponsor.]
24    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to block illegal immigrants from becoming eligible for taxpayer-funded welfare, healthcare, and free college tuition?
        Yes [YES, with federal money, and this is a strong separator from the Democrats. But he cannot tell the States what to do.]
25    Do you approve of President Trump's efforts to dismantle human trafficking networks?
        Yes [I hear that he is, but what has really been done? And how much more needs to be done?]
26    Do you agree with President Trump that we must end sanctuary cities to restore our neighborhoods and protect our families?
        No - [The concept of sanctuary cities and counties is based around the 10th amendment, as I understand it. The concept is being used for immigration, pot smoking, gun rights, and has application for other uses. Hands off, El Trumpo, you too have to obey the laws of the land.]
27    Do you approve of establishing a permanent manned presence on the Moon?
        No -[Mindless BS, no utility, too much money. Let private industry invest in doing so, if they see an economic return.]
28    Do you approve of sending the first manned mission to Mars?
        No -[Mindless BS, no utility, too much money. Let private industry invest in doing so, if they see an economic return.]
29    Do you approve of the United States partnering with other Nations to clean up our planet's oceans?
        Yes - [If partnering means negotiating some form of multi-country co-operation only. No spending of tax dollars for clean-up. Let a private consortium do it, recycle all the plastic and make a little money in the process.]
30    Do you agree with President Trump that we must STOP endless wars and bring our troops home?
        Yes [Whaaa . . . . ? EL Trumpo believes this? His actions certainly suggest he does not. Until I see otherwise, this is simply campaign rhetoric, and BS. But, hell yes, I agree!]
31    Do you agree with President Trump that we need to maintain and expand American's unrivaled military strength?
        No [Not by having troops in some ninety other countries. Bring them home, protect the uSA with the best trained people using the latest technology. Let other countries sort out matters between them.]
32    Do you agree that the agenda you voted for in 2016 has been implemented?
        No [NO!]
33    Who do you trust more to put America First?
        President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence
        Sleepy Joe Biden and Phony Kamala Harris
        [None of the above.]
34    Who do you believe is a better fit to be President of the United States?
        President Trump
        Sleepy Joe Biden
        [Honest to God, what difference will either one make? Both will deficit spend with 'monopoly' money. Both will posture against China and Russia. Neither will reduce regulations to allow rural areas to have grass roots jobs and businesses return. And the rift between Left and Right will get larger.]
35    Who will you vote for in November?
        President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence
        Sleepy Joe Biden and Phony Kamala Harris
        [The other Jo, Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian Party.]
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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