Possum on the half-shell!

Started by Joanna, February 28, 2007, 07:34:24 AM

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Good news, Joanna.  According to my 1967 World Book Encyclopedia, and I quote,"The flesh of all armadillos is good to eat."  Try telling them that they are going to be lunch one day if they don't clear out.


Or better yet, start a new fad, organize Armadillo hunting parties, and sell the meat as a delicacy in some other part of the country.  Who knows......those rich folks back east (or the Californians) may pay $100 a lb. for that!


Hmmmn, I might that hunting party.  For a price of course.


You gals are nuts!  That would rank right up there with possum stew, cow brains & fish eggs for me.  Not eatin' it no matter how good anyone tells me it is.

Anyhow, armadillos carry leprosy! (here's a webpage about it, you may have to copy or type it in your search box...)    http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a990219.html
I'm sure they don't all have it; after all, skunks carry rabies too, but we mostly worry about their stink.

I could set up an armadillo bar-b-que next time I catch one though.  The way I burn things, THAT smell would certainly chase them away...


Rest assured, I am not about to go out and grab hold of an armadillo or a skunk or a possum or coon or anything wild.  Me and Bud are just going to stay inside where we are safe.

Janet Harrington

Well, let me give you all a shock.  I have tasted armadillo.  One of my officers who likes to hunt will hunt those stupid things and barbeque them up.  He brought some to work one day.  Greasy nasty stuff.  He and his family like it.  I tasted it.  I won't taste it again.


Good morning, Joanna.  Have you run your trap line yet?


Maybe someone needs to invent a calling device for armadillos, get a patent on the device, and make a fortune off of it!  If they already have, I've never heard of it.  Meanwhile, ....."here dillie, dillie, dillie.......(softly under your breath---c'mere you stupid, slimy things)......here... dillie, dillie, dillie"  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Didn't you know that's how some people make their money, is by getting somewhat nutty?  If my ship ever came in, I was always at the wrong port!


Joanna, you need to hire Lois immediately to come call out your dillies.


 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  I'm afraid she couldn't afford my fees!!!!  And I do not come with any guarantees.  :laugh: :laugh:  But I can come armed with an air pistol and use those "boogers" for target practice!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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