The "Vietnam War" Called Obamacare . . .

Started by redcliffsw, January 11, 2017, 05:27:12 AM

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The "Vietnam War" Called Obamacare Cannot Be Won

We hear all these shrill warnings about the millions of people that will lose their health care if Obamacare is repealed. This is nothing more than another government "Domino Theory" about cascading consequences that history proves do not manifest as the government predicts. My question is, how many of those millions have Obamacare only because it was the law they had to have it or suffer financial punishment? I wager millions will rejoice to be shed of this burden. But I suspect something else. I suspect that if faced with the loss of millions of customers overnight, these massive health insurance companies will "suddenly" find a way to offer lower premiums to keep those new customers. Be that as it may, it makes no difference. The Obamacare Vietnam War cannot be won.

I would say that if Obamacare is not repealed, we would see it collapse of its own accord in 2017 or 2018 at the latest. For one thing, the costs to the government are skyrocketing. Where would they get the money to save it? I would wager they'd raid Social Security. The private insurance companies themselves cannot afford to offer it, which is why several insurance companies have pulled out of the Obamacare "healthcare marketplace".

One thing about the Vietnam War that made it so unacceptable was the draft. People were forced to fight in it or go to jail. It is the same with Obamacare. You are forced to enroll in it or have some kind of insurance "plan" or be financially punished.

All of the liberal bellyaching about people "losing their health care" if Obamacare is repealed cannot be proven. Maybe people will. But the fact remains that Obamacare is NOT health care. It is a mandatory insurance policy that does not necessarily deliver lower costs or even preventative medicine.  As I said, some of the plans under Obamacare have such high out-of-pocket costs that they make preventative medicine unaffordable. And what will happen when premiums go up so high people cannot afford them? They'll lose their health care. The premiums are going up and the government is powerless to stop that. Just like they were truly powerless to stem the flow of arms from the Soviet Union and China filtering down the Ho Chi Minh Trail during the Vietnam War.

Some people have become attached to this concept of Obama as a great president when, had this been a Republican, he'd be declared a disaster.

For once, can we do the right thing and end this disaster sooner rather than later? Can we admit that Obamacare is a failure and so was the president it's named after? This Vietnam War of social programs cannot be won. "Saving Obamacare" makes as much sense as "peace with honor" which cost thousands of lives past the point we knew that war could not be won. Repeal! Day One, repeal!
-Jack Perry

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Diane Amberg

So what is President Trump gonna do about it?


We'll see won't we? As a libertarian, I hope Congress simply repeals Obamacare and the Trumpster signs it onto law. Unlikely, huh? That government should ever end a program it has started. Yep, I'm daydreaming.

The Trumpster just recently patted Rand Paul on the back for saying a new plan needed to be adopted the same time Obamacare is repealed. I was surprised after the Trumpstser spoke so negatively about young Paul during the primaries. If Paul heads the effort for a new program, 'we' are likely to see something that has a lot or private sector involvement and a much reduced role of gummit. And a much smaller cost to the taxpayers. Not perfect in my book, but several steps for the better. I would imagine the Trumpster will sign whatever the Republican congress hands him. Make no doubt, young Paul's best efforts notwithstanding, it will be a socialist program, relying to some degree on public funds coerced from the working class. May I be proven wrong!
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


If the Republicans end Obamacare, I'm thinking they create their own socialist scheme for healthcare.  Who knows what Republicans will do - maybe they'll decide that Obamacare is better and they might add a few changes or additions to it.

Fidel Castro's main thing was government education and government healthcare.  Our overseers lean the same way as Castro and think about like him.  Socialists and Tyrants - All.


Looks like the Republicans think their Republican version of healthcare is better than the Democrats' version.

Two (2) versions of socialism.  No wonder America is sinking.

Diane Amberg

America is not sinking and people like you wringing their hands won't make it so. There may be a bit of water in the bottom of the boat, but sinking? hardly. If the pages and pages of help wanted ads in the paper here are any indication, and the number of housing starts and business license applications keep increasing, and Trump doesn't pull any banking funny business, things will  keep improving. Keep an eye on the stock market. Some sectors are more at risk and it wouldn't take too many banking shenanigans  to start another 2008. The fox is watching the hen house.
Also, the obscene amounts of money still being spent on war keeps somethings out of balance, but makes tons of money for others.

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