Gun Control: Hawglegs and Hawgwash . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 05, 2016, 06:51:10 AM

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If a woman tells me that she favors gun control, I can with confidence predict that she favors unchecked immigration, sanctuary cities, affirmative action, banning the Confederate flag, suppressing Christianity, homosexual marriage, abortion, feminism, and the dumbing down–she will call it something else–of schools to avoid wounding the self-esteem of the usual suspects.

Thus the desire to get an AR or two and a thousand rounds before the government–which much of the country regards as an enemy--can shut down sales and leave them helpless, a la Mexico. In private conversation the question is explicitly racial–though one must never, ever, point out the obvious. These are people who–choose you verb, "know" or "believe"–that a Ferguson mob can come to their neighborhood and–here no choice of verbs is needed–that the recent President, Attorney General, the government, the blacks, New York, the RNC and DNC, and the media, are against them.
-Fred Reed

Read on:

Diane Amberg

That statement does not represent many of the women I know. Why pick on just females? I know very masculine men who fit that statement. It does represent a sector of people who believe in freedom and personal privacy for themselves, but want to freely have opinions and control of how others think and behave.


Sounds like your'e offended and that's not surprising. 

The Founders established this country right - for individual liberty.  If anybody is trying to run the show to steal our liberty, it's people like you who are offended by the Founders and the Confederates who backed 'em up.

Diane Amberg

No..not even remotely offended. Just expressing my freedom of speech. Sorry to disappoint you.


Oh yea, Red this would be very offensive to a liberal.
Especially to homosexual liberals would be offended.
Let's not overlook feminist that would be offended.
Because t hey fail to comprehend the truth in the body of the message.

At first, I questioned the word woman being used, and after  consideration I realized
the word was simply used to start a dialog and nothing more.

Woman could be replaced by any of numerous terms and a liberal would still be offended by it.


It's her freedom of speech - she's speaking for the elites - the liberals and socialists.

Diane Amberg

You can both go bother someone else.
Wake Up wants to know why this forum isn't doing better. You just explained it very well. Playground bullies. Go stand by the flag pole. Ya keep rehashing the same things over and over and over and accomplish nothing except boring the people who would normally enjoy participating. Eventually he'll get you figured out. Red is a one trick pony still in the 1860's and Ross is a self absorbed thin skinned boy scout who wants to help the old lady across the street, even if she didn't want to go...because he knows best in all things....I'm sure he has built an alter to Trump by now. Hope it was worth it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 30, 2016, 11:16:17 AM
You can both go bother someone else.
Wake Up wants to know why this forum isn't doing better. You just explained it very well. Playground bullies. Go stand by the flag pole. Ya keep rehashing the same things over and over and over and accomplish nothing except boring the people who would normally enjoy participating. Eventually he'll get you figured out. Red is a one trick pony still in the 1860's and Ross is a self absorbed thin skinned boy scout who wants to help the old lady across the street, even if she didn't want to go...because he knows best in all things....I'm sure he has built an alter to Trump by now. Hope it was worth it.

This is a fair assessment of yourself Diane. You just can't wait to bad mouth someone.

Remember when you bad mouthed the Military, the Veterans, and my son? What was it I called you?

I remember now, it was "One Nasty Bitch" and that was being polite for an ex-Navy man and veteran and father.

So try to be a good girl and sit down and shut up until the teacher call your name.

You are so ugly in your attitude and you don't understand why people don't like you.

You see I understand why you two faced lying Liberals hate me. And that is because the truth hurts. So I am not offended by your hatred.



Liberals don't like conservatives however they do prefer those who support a progressive agenda.


If anyone is hateful in replies Ross that would be you.

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