Partial Distribution of Wind Farm Income

Started by W. Gray, March 30, 2016, 10:30:21 AM

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Ross, it was directed to any one that had the brains to read it. I just knew those 3 would not be negative. Every one else on here is. And once again, you could not say anything with our talking about Elk Connect.


Quote from: W. Gray on April 03, 2016, 08:25:52 AM
Ross, do you think you could calm down a bit and tell us what you really think about that $100,000 distribution to the incorporated cities?

I don't need to calm down, if I were any caLmer I'd be dead !
And perhaps you would be happy?

But that would not help your comprehension, would it?

I think, I pretty well covered everything very plainly !

Would an abbreviated recap help?


Taking money from one person and giving it to another person
or taxing to operate the County and giving the money away
as so-called AiD.

Soliciting  Free Money Takers.

Just another word for WELFARE

County Commissioner attending City Council Business Meetings doing business as a County Commissioner

Soliciting the City Councils to accept Free Money Very unprofessional
Very inappropriate and questionable and suspicious !

It puts together reason to question integrity, ethics and honesty !

County Business being tended to by a single Connty Commissioner at City Council Business Meetings.
All three County Commissioners should have been there to discuss the Situation and it should have been documented by the County Clerk as part of the record.


Will accept anything as long as there is FREE MONEY involved.

Elk Kon nected, LLC

Coined the Term 'WIND FARM MONEY"

For the County Commissioners to keep calling it WIND FARM MONEY is a ruse
and links Elk Kon nected, LLC to Elk County Government County Commissioners.

Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau made it very clear during a County Commissioner Meeting
that he strongly supports Elk Kon nected !

Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska who sounds in her manner of speaking
very much resembles Elk Kon nected and she does not deny it.

For more information
Please read the Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25  (Read 328762 times) at,11780.0.html .


Quote from: Jane on April 03, 2016, 08:34:17 AM
Ross, it was directed to any one that had the brains to read it.

I did not read this is directed at anyone.
But i suspected you would come back with a response like this if i explained this is an open forum directed at the public.

Quote from: Jane on April 03, 2016, 08:34:17 AM
I just knew those 3 would not be negative. Every one else on here is.

To call everyone else on here NEGATIVE is just plain rude and as negative as you claim everyone else is.
This also shows a lack of ability to converse intelligently.. This is also a terrible attempt to silence any one and every one that might post on this open forum. But you have the right and freedom to say what you will. Remember I'm a veteran that stood up for your rights to do so.

I think we all understand that the four of you are all for this Socialist move by the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners.

But guess what? We still have one County Commissioner who is not a Liberal or Socialist. Mr. Hebb is a straight up person.

Quote from: Jane on April 03, 2016, 08:34:17 AM
And once again, you could not say anything with our talking about Elk Connect.

And once again you try to stifle, censor and to deny my rights of the 1st amendment of the US Constitution.

Who or what is this Elk connect you refer to?
And what do you know about them?

I asked this in a previous post and you failed to answer, WHY?

Are you speaking of Elk Konnected, LLC ?

If so would you be good enough to provide us with some of the knowledge you have of them?
Who or what is this Elk Konnected to you?
And what do you know about them?


I'm headed outside to enjoy a beautiful day, it is suppose to be very summer like.

I hope too, that you can enjoy this beautiful day.



Quote from: Jane on April 03, 2016, 08:34:17 AM
Ross, it was directed to any one that had the brains to read it. I just knew those 3 would not be negative. Every one else on here is. And once again, you could not say anything with our talking about Elk Connect.

Jane, are you saying that to oppose socialism is negative?  Appears that way from here. 

You and your 3 never express any opposition to socialism.  (not sure about Bullwinkle - don't know why he's listed)  Ross is right, not because of his military service, but because of his conservative stand for American principles.  The U S military is a giant social experiment for the Republicans' and reconstructed Democrats' brand of equality, not American liberty.

Americans ought to be excited about standing for liberty, but that probably ain't ever gonna happen because so many people are more interested in the expanding social experiment for everybody as sponsored by government.  Tyranny.

Distribution and tyranny go together.

While Ross stands for America liberty, there'll be those who are very much opposed to him.



I am oppose to socialism. If it is so great, why do we have all the other countries leaving their home lands and coming here. Some one needs to tell me how the democrats are so not in all of this, and only the Republican's created the problem? 


RIGHT ON JANE I agree with you 100000 Percent. I know you and Rex's Family and Myrna and I think the same way as you do. You and I and ALL of my Family have ALWAYS opposed Socialism. Hang in there Jane, DO NOT let Redcliffsw intimidate you. He thinks everybody is a Socialist but him. Rex's Family were some of the strongest Political leaders in Elk County.


Quote from: Jane on April 04, 2016, 07:41:35 PM
I am oppose to socialism. If it is so great, why do we have all the other countries leaving their home lands and coming here. Some one needs to tell me how the democrats are so not in all of this, and only the Republican's created the problem?

If you oppose socialism why do you approve of the socialist act by the
Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners ?
That act is giving away free money to the cities.
Yes that is a socialist act!


Good question.

The history iof the Republican Party is one of liberalism and socialism and it continues in that tradition to this day.  The Republican Party is no place for true conservatives - true conservatives are not be welcome there. 

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